ron, jr., on -Saturday evening, .une 12. Two sisters of thé bridegroom, Miss Martha and Miss Caroline Waldroii, coming f rom, their home in Kansa s City, MLo.., were. the first ar.rivais. Thursday the bridegroom im rselIf and. his' parents, Mfr. and Mrs., Charlés Eugene Waldron, corne from Kansas City. Miss Elînor Bljackburn, omie of the bridesmaids, cornes.firofi her hiomte ini Bennington, Vt., Fridày of this week, as- do Lieutenant, and Mrs. Frank \irden of Annapolis,'Mrs.. Virden to partiipate in thefestivities ýas oie of, the bride smai ds. Friday, too, relatives of -Mr . ald- ron wilI corne to Wilrniette, .Mrs.. SeweIl Black and lier s on,' Robert, froni Topeka..*ýKenneth McLatchey o6f Kan'sas City arrives the samie day to serve -as onie of,'the ushers. Other out-of-toîxn 1guests Nwho NwiII attend the wedding are Mdr. and Mrs. John M. Landon, an~d, Mr. and Mvrs, Chatteui Coivlird, of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wolf of St. Louis, and Mfr. and MIrs. Paul W'hite of Milwaukec. Out-of-towin relatives of the 'bride, *to bc at the wedd(liig are MIr. and _N Mr. CIayton 0. Nlogg, -.\r. and NMrs. Millard E. Mogg, and M.,r. 'hid NMrs. Willis Lincohii of Indianapolis; MNr. and Mirs. J. Oweh Mogg of , Piano, MI., and Mrs. Howard Andrews of *Faribault. Minn.. the bride's aurit and To Vsi+ A rboetum The Garden club of, the Evanstoru Junior letague is meeting for luncheon at 12 o',clock Monday at, Plentywood farm, in Bensenville.- The 'mrembers of thé group will spend the afternoon at. . the Morton Arboretumn, where they will have a conducted- tour. 'Mrs. Francis W. Dakin of.Hubbard-Woods, is chairman.of the club. For, Former Resident Mrs. Frank T hale, 710 Linden ave - nuentertained a f eWv friends, at lunche on at Shawnee Country club oni Wýednesday in honior of Mrs. 'Walter Ni ller.of Denver, Colo., for- mferly of Wi-nTette, who is thre guest of Mrs. Paul Kinig of Evanston at presenit. sister of her miother, Mrs. Herbert B. * Mulford. Nfr. and Mrs. MuItlford are havinig the ddixig. reception at their home, 835 Lrod avenue, following nhe ce r en111o1y a t the Congregational Interst o Depsits ~~-Interest..o , e 2 Oý% :vngPcss Book, Delposi*ts We pay 2,4 % per annum intereSt on Savings Deposits -intereat payable july 1 and january 1. Accoeunts may b. estab. lished in one name or 1i more than one naxne payable to either or to the. survi. vor. Savings Pass Book form is an ideai form for the accumulation of regular weekly or monthly deposits -."rainy C* O L, AS AN ICE CUBE- COME AND SEE our comprehensi ve /0 Time Certiftcates of Deposit W. pay 2% % per annum interest on Time Certificates of Deposit wlêh mat.. rities of six monthu or longer. W. abide by the Federal Reserve Board regula. tions ini the payment. of on de. collection N. A. HAN NAP 952 Spanish ;Court INC, * Wi1,~ette EigtyOne West Monrxoe CHICAGO MEDlBB EDaRAILDEPOSIT INSURANCI CORPORATION Il