TROPICAL LIDO SUMMER RATES 16 CIoss Lessons. .--6.00 Mixed Swimming Nigbtly 1700 CENTR~AL ST. EVANSTON Greenleaf 2004 Gernaâny, anid zechoDsliakia. Camp Shorewood CaI!s.ý Friends to -Open -House Camp Shorewvood will havean 'open house'reuniýon and picnic. for frie-nds, and!patrons from 5:30 to:9 :36 Fridav evening, june 11, on thie camp beach at 822 Michigan avenue, Xilnt te. Motion Pictures of last 'year's camp activities wiIl be s-hown,'in the.plav - room iroffi7:,30 o'cloick. Camp Shore-- wvood is a subsidiary of. the .Outdoor Recreatiotn schoQl conducted hv Bettr N. Shapker for the past ten v~ears. There arc half-day, fù'll-daiv,.atud juil- time groups for childreiu from 3 to 13 ~-asof -age,. ihalcmpactivities Off ered. WQRK OF VAN-DALS . Wfa nsnian, 1220 Maple ave- nue re.Ôredto the police th'at dur- in9 Saturday 'iight soine. vandal had thrlown a lighit ellow grease over his sidewalk, front porch and dIoolr. I le was unablc te assigtu anv raso ior the act. Lak L%8 i~[fl isisonIs'in I UME HOME .Jj .Jr SWITESOIM erairies tor t-wNelvle lndepeluielit SUm- mier vacation air tours; T'le tour,, whjcli desguiate Nem, York as a start- ing point, are to be joliied at regular air teriniails cii route. ]l the seven district, tours to cÉover the Pacific Coast, one .1i11 be ýextended from I us Aîîgeies to Mexico City. The flight 'to FIorida will be the occasion for a îiine-day inotor journey of the state,. begiriiîîg and, teriiiinating with J ack- sonvil.le. Iu the \Western series, Albuqu.erque .on the. second day from New, York wiil introduce 'the sight'seeiig vacation bva niotor journev.tolthe Indian l)e-C tour. Threading t he primitive I udian settletuieuts along the Rio Grande the tour ivili cexten(l to the. Puve l(:l D.weliers cil route to Santa Fe. At Santa Clara Canyon a visit Wiîi. e ilnade te -the iargest inhabited puebblo,.. iviiere in a i)eellive of cliffs are the orig 1iinal (iescnlautis of the Iittc(l puy es. The' Grand Caiivon %vill be seen fronu ahovc, cdrciin th'le rock temple s and towers in a 75-miile flighit frein East to West. At Los Angeles a dav of sightsceinig is to inchude the beachies, the msos,vwith Beverley il~ Hôlyooand Pasadena. Fromti Santa Barb)ara resorts and its Spanishi archi- tecture eniphasîzed ini Old Missions.ý the parties wili jotirney by rail toý Paso Robles, and Del -\onite, irom where a miotor tour proceecîs Up th(- Sali .1 eaqutin Valle -to. Yo)semiite< Na-, property by investing their funds iu stock of the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Wilmiette, ail of whichi is secured by firstm¬gages on local residential property. The First Federal numnbers aînong its> investorsý residing outside Cook coUnty at this, time meèmbers froinîî the states of, New York, Ohbjoi, Midi'- igan,' i'Viscon sin, California, Illilnois. and Indiàna. Investment miemhership 1§ ixot iimited geographncall y al- though the, ban operations of t h a ssociation are, rigidly. restricted te thisIocality. Assets, of the. First Federal are nowý approximately $425,000.' Sha.res are si!available to.investors' in this' conimuiiity, -as'.esewhete., Under the federal charter share s îuust '4e soli at nlot more than $100, altho-ugh. the book value* of the Wilmette First-- FederaI shares isî now ini excess.z of the, par value .by reason ()f the C(o)n- servative policy of the (irector ili ARRIVE PROM SCHOOL Mrs. Henry J. Brandt and hur datighter, Katherine, 816 Forest avc(- nue, arrived homle Suinday evening from .Hollins college, \7a., where -MiS41 Katherine is a student. 'Miss Janu Ellen Brandt left Williainsburg, V'a. Monday and is visiting friends ini Ne ork. Shec plans to be gn o about ten days., Miss Jane E"1lla- On he onî~~-rd lîgts ot hair anId illotor tours îIbu made to Yri- lowsteîie andc Grand Teton Park. As an eXleisîen Ilte hotilthe Yellowstontc a 1) La eas termiuais a speciýal Circît. flighit iit be zuade o've(r Boulder Dami. ln Tour No. 0 the Texas Cuit- tenflial hxpostlolnis schieduled for a (lay of horneward houind.. TIours 4 and6 arc to incluide the Pa- cifie Nrhet with visits te Port- j GRADUA TE enad ox the teýrin at ,ilollinis clee nzic-preçide t. i bs. junrCl Va., ývhere she is a studeiut. vear, a;zd student council president 1 /bIis .cuior*vq IDr: and lt-s. D. Wý7. Rapp, 406 Park avenue, plani to go to Rockford the Thili was. 'a four-letter nianin i basket- first part of, next :veek. They wiil hall aànd a twýo-letter man in baséball, bring their daughter, Frances, home Hie wiIl enter, the University of Ilii.' f or the summer >vacation. Miss Rapp -noisw-here he. wvill study forestry this is a stuient at Rockford college., faîl. [, bat. ddaww !flr* fl. E M u I. 8&cu, M lasert Date