Realtors of Metropoitan, Chicago Read To kéep well Ihformed on' real. estate and build- ing trends and ativities. Priée 10e You Mlay Pure kg e it at SNYUET<CAzt Dntcb. 1167 Wilmette Ave., Wilmefte, 111. Jane Adir. Photos Sce'nes front fie horse shtow I ait Saturdav bv the qiris of New Trie-r 7town.>ýship HI-Iqh school at the Crestwovod stables. Upper left: Miss Virgqinia Huck, MIiss Marv .Jane Pearson,. Miss Rosernary Joures, and Miss Mfable' Keefe, shownî as they were about to pôriicipate. Uýper 'rigqht, IM&s Kay Nef ves. and lo.wzer left, Mliss Geo)r.qia Bettiinqhait.s, putî thrir hlorses over the jumiips; Iower right, Mfiss Patrice Clough., __ Miss Iris Boulton, faculty adviser, was assisted by Miss Dorothy Canfield, stu- ADXERTIERS dent head of riding; Miss Mary Wilderï- ~ bugler; Miss Carolyn Nelson, accordion- ist; Albert Moore and Homcî Taylor, instructors; Miss Flora Jean White, in iumuvchargé of rnounting; Miss Betty Gebert, 'HONOE o,~CRAME UN *ipIy Rom: 36 S Michigan Ave. Chicago: Ribbon Winnera Ribbon winners included: Begiuiiiitg riders, scat and hands class: 1. Charlotte Huck, 2. Janet Hill, 3. MNargielowv Meing, 4. Dorothy Burns. Interniediate riders, seat and hands class: 1, Adele Rasniessen, 2. Virginia Huck. ï. Gertrude WVeinstock,' 4. Mari- j ayiie Pierson. Advanced riders, seat and hands class: Installation of the new members in WINS GOLF NUMERALS Mortar Board' will take place before the end of the semester; GIlbert M.clntosh, 521 Roslyn road,__________ Kenilworth, was awarded, nunierals at Northwestern university this spring for Mr'. and Mrs. John Guy Sparks of his work in.,freshman golf. Thirty- Indianapolis returned home Sunday, eight varsity letters and 44,.freshman after, spending a, w'eek visiting.,thir- numërals were a warded to members. of- daughter, Mrs. Frank 'Thale, -710 four spring sport teanis. Linden avenue. PATRONIZE OUR