GLENCOE OWNER SAID, "SELLITr!". and gave us.a figure far beiow present market value. Charming 3 bedrooin colonial weil bulît on a hilh carefully landse aped 100 fi. lot in 'ex(luslve sec. Won'*t iast long, .$13.000. Mr~. Walter. WVIN-NETKA An extrenieiy large heavlly wooded lot is the salient feature of this unusuai buy' in Hubbard.,Woods district. .5 bed- rooms, 3 baths, library, revr. ro<om ,2 car garage. Conveniently ilocated to ,vryt4ing. (>niy $19,000. 'Mr. Ahreris. Sotitheast \ilntk Close to Greeley School, Newv Triier High Schonl, lake and. transportation. 5; bed- roohi home on nieely landswalyed lot. An exeeptionai value at $12,000.1 Also axalialaie for. rent. $5Q.Mr.s. Cl 1X VIl-ME etT1E :Ivwhave 1 Only $1,500 cash we eaul show you one of the best "'bYs" 1'You have seen in, many a day. Fine mnodemn brick homne in best noxthwest seet ion with beaut4'fu*ivylandsvaped* and w ooded lot., Balance li1ke ent. Mr. Clarke. C.OLF, 1ILLINOIS Worid's Pair Colonial r"du-eed lii pri.e tqo oonly $12,500 from $I5,000p for quick Ral,. 3 bedrooins. Every mnodem im-. proveinent. 'Ajchoicu buy. . Taylor. P.). WHITAKER CO. 14o 'e-nter Wiln. 20 Rog. Pk 7::02 w E-,xclulsive Offérimo \VINNETKA <'hoice Englisih type brick. 4 bdrmns., 2 hats. Ex. lav. lst. Heatud sun parlor. H. W. oil heat. Itecreation rmi. Htd. garage. Large landsuapeud lot <ver- looking large estat.ë. A dandyv. Ir (>vriokîu~Skokie C'ounitry. Club. 4 bdrnms., l hathis. Steam htat. 2-car garage. Porches. Higli wooded lot. Prj(i o'niy $12,750). VACANT WINNETKA Choice ;)0-ft. lot. Al improvemeonts in and paid iii' full. Section of new hom1-es. Price $3,000. .Many othier good buys in homesites an(] acreage. THIS LOVELY E. WITNN. B R I C K owner built 5 bdrrn, 3 bth. in perfect condition. Near schools, lake .and trans.; oil 'ht. is one of the best.buys available. Oniy 8 yrs. od. See it today'. Under $19,000. BRICK & STONE' 6 BD)RM., 3 BTHS., 106-ft. lot;*, a lovély homne - ndcŽr $490M0 BRICK IN ESTATE SECTION: 5BD- rms., 31'/ bths., private road, CHOICE. Under $35,000. WITZLEBEN, REALTY 632 Gireen Bay Road Kenilworth 5j540 l11ITN5-Itc A- GOOD INVESTMENT BE1-CAUSE - SUB.STANTIALI- ly biltt, ýwell arranged, excel- léntly maintainied and reason- ably priced. A 6 rrn. honte, sun Ém. and slp. poh. Modern kit. and plUmbing, beau." yd. and garden, lil fenced, 2-car, gar. FPrice asked $ 12,000.00. The, BILLS REALT Y, l111. 529 Dav is St. Evanston (,reenleal 1166 Wilmette 3740 YOUR. HAPPINES S WVIIL BE doubled with th~e knowledge tliat your< home is wuitable in every detail-Sce how iovely this really is! 4 unusual3 large master bedroomas, 2 Ibeautiful colored tule baths, niaidsý quarters. Studio ibrary. with wood- b)urning fireplace, breakfast roonoff tule kitchen. A real buy at $40,001.' SE ARS REAL ESTATE *21 Exclusive Agents t,)ichm-jnond Road Kenilworth-528X il1 LTN .)-1 tc e iuj,quuu. 5nwn u ap..njie HEINSEN REALTY CO. 660 Center St. Winnetka 2.74 111LTN5-11te Srnall Cash Payment BALANCE ON LONG TERM CONTRACT on these easy terms we offer this f!neý 4' bdrm. house ln excellent Winnetka nelghborhood. Deep wooded lot. Hub- bard 'Woods school district. Moderately priced at $12,00-0. Mrs. Pittman. E~' C1 AAXT\TTefl CTtET'TJV N EAR J4AKE. 1 OVELY BRICK HOME %VITH siate roof, eight rooms, four bed- rooms, two and one-half hats, hot water, ol. heat, tu-o-car brick ga- rage. Cost <ver $40,'00a few years ago, now prlced UNDER 2$2,5,000 Might 'exchainge for clear twofl.-t br sma!lerhomne. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. FXLSV ACENTS O'.er 43.Years of Dependabie Servie 530 Davis t. E8 nn (ire.10. Beautiful to Look At. A JOY TO LIVE IN-YOU CAN BUY IT for -$35,000 or. rent for $300. .6 large bedroomes, 4% baths. 2-car attached ga- rag-iblk. to -lake and bathing beah- 2 *bîke. to school-5 minutes waik to station. S. E. Winnetka. American Col- onial brick. Construction the best in every small detsil. HEIL & HEIL 1AVi 2 CHICAGO AVENtYE DVs1819-1820 ROGers Park 6300 WINNETKA PICTURESQUE 8-ROOM W H I T E framne home on lot 150x187 ft. Large trees, extensive gardens. H. W. heat and is otherwlse modern. Garage. Illi heaith prompts owner to seli at value of land. McGUIRE & ORR, lue. Over 43 Years of Depe-ndabie Service 530 Davis St., Evanston G.rènleaf 1080 Ow'ier liàs large investaient but offfrés at $16,000. Cail ilus for inspection. Mrs. Fuller & Wmn. 'Piekard 7U Elm Street Winnetka Winnetka 3601 University 7444 5 bdrm beauti se ia GLENCOE 2 -bath,'Eng. framnehouse on uily landscaped grounds with- oweing. oaks -120Ox210. 011 2-car gar. near transp. and rIced for quick sale at $15,500 'divide and niake terni.;. Mr. tory rrom r. iA.NSTOU.N t LK FOREST. Séec These Selected Buys'! 8 WILMETTE 8NEW HOMES, ON PÂRADE,-WITH- In radius of 1 mile. Ailýlinaulated and atrý-conditloned. Liberai flinanc- ing avaliabie. Small . ash. required. SHOWN BY APPT. ANY TIME 1724 ANI) 1728,WALNUT. - $11,600 O roomn, 1% bath brIck-pine gamne room. 2225 THORNWOOD...$150 6 room, 2 % bath frame Cape Cod. 2035 GREENWOOD ....... $14,500 7 room brick. Attached garage.. 2130 AND Z134 KENILWO.RTH- 7 and 8 rooms-brick and framne,., and atone and frame: 2.batha; 2 extra lava. The last word in>aP- poihtments. $18,750-119,750. 2004 THO)RNWOOD.... ... $15,000 7 rùom stone' and frame, game roomi and bar: blinds and carpent- ing inciuded. 1945 CHESTNUT-7 extra large roons, 2 baths; paneled llbrary and game room; extra room and bath on 3rd. $19,006~. Wlnnetka E:TKENILWORTH' EATK1iILWORTI--8 ROOMS, 3 baths. W4ite frame. Insulated- large wooded lot. Bargain at $15,600. Mr. Pietsch, Winnetka 2700, Brlar- gate 18,55. WLNNETKA INDIAN .HILL - BEAUTIFUL ITAL- ian home: il rooms--6 bedrooms. 4%/ baths; on 1% acres; 3-car ga- rage. Upkeep economical. Reduced price. -Mmr. Newhall, Bni. 1855, Winn. *down living roorn 17x26; 2-car ga- rage. W-ant offeromr trade for smaîl- er. Mr. Mehren, Winnetka 2700, Briargate 1855. GLENCOE ,'EAR. LAKE - HANDSOME BRICK Quailityr-built:, studio living room; ilibrary ; 5. bedrooms, 4 baths. Large landscaped, lot. Today's price only $3500. 396 'Sberidan Rd. By appt. 1~. -n. Mrs. Fuiller & WVVm. Pickard 05fleur., 3b, 1618 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7220 $16,000., lllL'LN-lt SEARS REAL« 421 Richmond Road IX ATTRACTIVELY DESIGNED W I TH BEAUTIFUL V I E W,' large roornl downstalrs. 6 room trame location, attractivê li< with Sun ,porch to the South. Choice o11 heat, garage0. $13,00O eàstloication. garage. Beaut. deep wood- Mrs. Laflg,.Winetka ili ed lot. Ph. :Wi inette 500., 11LTN5-ltc sthan1 1P~I5 roor rCftl flo~U. 1 1. 1 . s ;e, garage on lot, 100x175. arches, stores, . stations, tMAIN9 Dewes Avenue.I ill LTNe-4tp ,en. Eý 111.LTN6-itoý ý