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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1937, p. 73

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NORTH STHORE REFRIGERATION Cf,.. 1551 Maple Ave.1 131LTN4-4tlp A GROUP OFBP IFLNEWi gifts, suitabie fQr graduates and ladies. 861 Spruce Street,'Wlnnetka, evenings. between 7 and 8 o'clock'. 13 1L15-ltp) S T E EL ATHLETLC APPARATUS: swing* rings and bar. Cost $45 wiII sell at '$15. Winnetka 642. 131LTrN5-lte FOR SALE TE, TWNT 15X 10 WITH EX- tra fly. 12-.oz. k4iaki im-aterial 1 yr. old. Original cost $12 5. P ice'$0 h Wilmette .4572. 3LN-t GIRL'S BICYCLE, COST $27, SELL at $15, 'excellent condition: black wicker chaise. longue, good cushions.$. Wilpiette 3180.' I3IL1TN5-lîtp WTD. TO BUY-MISCELL.ANEOUS 1ÏH-ROWIN( lTl'1'AWAY? WAIT! N\ e buy -& ray lest inarket >ie for al junk. P-dpers, iiazgazineýs, furniture. Juik: Dealer Goidman Phi. Wilnmette 542f; funk Dcealer- Phil Schumlan Highost arket pxies for îov;iig P4'ags $1 Irer imi icls. 'Also b1!m-furn. kathtus andold hron. WILM FTT J*'744. Nýorth Shore Salvage houý? Don tthu w o gî- paer, ooks, iiiatgs,, furn iture, brie-a- ra.Toi) prices. 'Winnetka 1522. 132LTN5-4tP) \\IXNTI'D: CA'NOI pH. ui'lNEF.77 13300KN, wF' \ll BUm'yY YOUt BOUl S.ALS0 prvt'libraries. .Will cal. pilitte)214. 13ý2 LTN 4- 4t 1 ORIINACFNO. IS<ni A ~Ordnalceaneding OrdinaiRce N(ù. 1772 pssdand aprv Y the P residexlit ald lBoiId of Tutesof li Vllia of %Villnette, ljinIois, onl thl :t 31hday of Apl, 19:15,. nd pub- lishled My%13,ette A <)diaieeamending an ordinitnce known as ordinance No. 12_81 plassed 1,v thle preSide-iit and Board of Tru.stee.s of the Village Of Willmette on the 231'd day of. Fe.brýuarY, A. D. 11ý2 2, entitled 'An, Ordinance to. elssfyIe'gulate and restrict theu iiwattO0n Of trades. and industries and t rom Oregon, spent Sunlay here. Miss Mamie Dingee lias been con- finied at home with inflammatory rheumiatismi -.\isses Dàvi.dson and Howe, of Chi- cago, spent,, Sunday at Mr. John Ling's. When the mail bag was thrown from a train passi ng the depot Mon- day it bit Mrs.\Varner and hurt ber quite baçfly. Thýe ReN,. and Mrs. Josiahi Beards.- ley.,bave returned frornia, visit to friends at, East TFroy, Wis., where they forînerly residcd. SMrs. H.- G. -Drury and daughter, arc guests of friends at Crystal Lake, Tbe,ReN-,'.\Ir. Holden, of Chicago, preached in 1 the Congregationial churcb last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs.' S. A. Wbieelock are travelinig onthe, Pacific coast. Nothing vcrv -great is in store for the. Fotirtli. The yvoung people na y have a patriotic celebration a4and picnic oni the picniic grounds if the xeather is pleasant. A strawberry anid ice crearn social w[s givun by the ladies in the Meth- odItcliiichonThiurfsday evening. It ,vas w'vcl attended and profitable. \vilnette counicil of the Royal Ar- cainuii lias arrangcd to give a grand conicert ili it', faîl neNt Tuesdaày eve- inig. T'le programi is very interest- ing, and conitains *amnong the artists iiiany favorablv nw locally., Winnetka Mr. John iB. Crosby spent Sunday. ini Chicago. 1Mr. J: C. Keeler spent the firs.t of the week at the Fox Lake resorts. Miss, Latira Baker, of Highland Park, visited ier sister, Mrs. G. H. Ntorr~on, dring thîe past -week. Mr.s. John \hIcCoiiell and famnily, of Lake View. visited in \Vinnietka durilng' the week. Mr. aiîd Mrs. C. 1-. McFarlaind and Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, of South of Chilcago, are nýow occupying tneir summner residence for the season. . Professor McDoweIl, of Racine college, visited with '.\r. Fred Jones last mreek. The village is now being, surveyed by Mr. Greeley for.a sewer system. Last Satu1rd1ay North Evanston. de- f eated- Winnetka at basebali by a score of 15. to, 9. A petition was éirculated last week for two moàre trainsý on the NXorth West ern railroad. ,An entertainmenit by* the public. school pupils .Was given in'Acaderny hall, on, Saturday, eveniig Qof Ia'st week. It n'as very creditable to, the:. participants. Agrn and glorious time. is to be, bad here, on the Fourth and visitors are expected 'from ahll around. The proigram includes an oration b.Presi- dent S. S." Burr, exhibition drill by th e Highland Park and, Winnétka cadets, music, gamnes and contests -o ail kinds. Peopte frarn surrourrdin'g totvns and the city who wish to, en- joy a fine time are invited to attend. RECENT VISITOR MNr. and Mrs.. G. C. Packard, 1240 Forest avenue, liad as their bouse-. guest for tbree weeks, Mrs. Anna Heidbreder, of Claytoîî, MiMrs. H1eidbreder is the mother of Ralph Packard's roommraté at Knox col- lege;: Richard H-eidbreder. -Mr. and Âfl. J. S!uz.UI41 CLII " '.. Jra , ., *VJa.y Býlizabetbl, jeaii, and Pyls will stay there a fullI month, while -Mr, and Mrs. Packard, and -Miss Heleii and Ralpb, vwill bc there a part of the. mon t h. PUPILS' RECITAL Five*north'shore children took part ini the recital presented Tuesday eve- ning, june 1, at Indian floundary Park auditorium. in Chicago by the iSutmer Months o M e* l200 f. g wltn its Moving, Packing and Storage Services FEstimates Furnished Without Obligation s, and ther open spaces ,urrounding such buildings, blish the boundaries of dis- rie saidi purposes and pre- alties for the violation of rs," be alid the Saine is îded as fOlOWS: :, 11 ýg fromi Section 2 of, Article the, foillowlng descrlbied. ge of ATTE-ST: NICHOLAS PIYBLISHE SP. MILLER, Village Clerk.1 Massachiusetts, is rema- CD this lth day of June,' for comnmencemnenti NICHOLAS P. MILLER, graduation festiviies w Village ,fer.next.Tuesday. A following return homne ils .provIs.1 hereby'air By stril< i there

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