cl ucl:Sundvmon J une 20, at E ch'ý,ar the Masons of \\Wilnîette a'cCePt ai, invitation froni a local çlmurclm to join iin the cominioration Of ,the Fealt (if St.. John tîme. Baptist. .%ea r, poinited oult Norman WV. S'ilth. of he lodge, a greater il cnl)er will attend the. services than ever béfore. The reason, . le stated, wvas that Dr. George B: Allisoin is not oitlya Mason and trnember of \Vil- muiette. lodlie. buft also is wdl hw as ani effective speaker. .1-is suibject w-i be. "o~tIHorizon.". .lNiasonis livî-ingii\Vlete %whlethier nienibers of tié-,local lodge orfoare illvite(l to nicet at the Maý- SUIflC iClple. 1010Central vne Fronî'I the temple the Mý\asonis wil mardhi in a body to the church. consin students, aluni,- and fan-» ilies of aluni living on thie ion-h shore f rom Evanston to Hiighland Par-k.-The occasion bids fair to be one of the -higýhlights of thie early vacaticnii period. Details iniv be -ohtaine(l wii.h Mrs. S. B. Bradley (Gletin*e 1244) or ýAlbert BP. Tticker (Vl nette 3934). RETRNFROM ANNAPOLIS Mrs. WV. J. Ol13rien and her daugh- ter,. Jean; 1144 Chlestnut- avenlue, ne-ý turnIed recetitly froni Atinapolis, %v'ere they had spenit twelve-days visýiting friends. 'vMiss O'Brien wil 1 go to Mijus college ini the fall. Two an~d Twio Make Foi »K -.-TANan.d W HU1 Make STYLE 731*814*5160, *ONELÊSS ROLLED RIB ROAS 0 BEEF FRIESH DRSSED) FRYING CHICKIENS Meaty, Pltimp, Delect- able, 22, to 3-lb. avg.,1) Fresh Dregsed DUCIKLINGS Delightfulîy Flavorsome, 5-bav,27C LAMI ROAST boneless rolled l.b. 2 Geniuine Spring shoulder lb. 23 LAMB PATTIES. Genuine Spring, Boned, and rolled from thie finestf of Swift's Premniumn fully ageýd beef.Al m reat, no waste. Allselected cuts. lb .' . . . Standing Rib Roust of, Seef Palace Quality Swift's Premnium Prime Beef, Fully Aged.32 6th and 7th Rib Standing, lb'._.32 PRIME BIEF POT ROAST Prime Beef Pot Roast. AIl Selected Cuits, lb 29c OUF9. Fresh Gt#ôUnd- 2 Ground to order, lb.. .. 2 .Assorted cold m-eats. Freshly sie.Large variety .. .....4c FRESH FISH WMITEFISH, Freshk, eul ' Lake Superlo< qpl joba à 35ee Iom 5 Family Flakes Laundry 45C Size I WE RECOMMEND 2-lb. can ....51c: iLimit FLOUR 44-o7. p kg. 23C THE FLORSHEIM SHOP 1616 Orrington EVANSTON 1607 'Sherman ",tUIWSC. Calflornia Valencia, Sweet, Juicy Fruit ......... .I2 dz75ic LETTUCE S TRAWBERRIES CANTALOUPE, At their best ow, flrm Mighlgan's finest. IJUmbo, Vlné-Pned, tender, P u* uars ts JC Pre- edean stock2tr13c ..'2qs.3 2i Coe FLORSHEIM