Rest E E E E E i = i = E = * E = * E = * i = *1 wood corn- vitth foot Regularly. N99c FOLDUING WOOD CHAIR So practical, this chair has been dur best seller ail sea- s on ! 'W1hite. orange a.nd green finishes, 2 9 A $3.49 value! 'CAMP STOOLS 19C EC Peel, date TUB CHAIRS FI nelimported chairs - voer y AI9 light and sturdy, $ floating sta-back wàter-rel GLIDER CHAIR $0.90. Extremely comfortable chair with coil sp.ring con- truction, al stee1 f rame, floatiflg arms, and cushion seat and back, covered In Wate .rproof .materials. Reëgularly $12.95. LÂWN'ENSt-MIt!ýSET Set complete with ail steel c 95 st ruct ed table, 2 comfortabILfl.4- chairs, and adjustable umbrella of colorful1 duck canvas. A $32-50 Value!, SUMER FURNITUREi $2.90 End tables, cof- fee tables, lamp à. n .d occasional. tables finished in Ivory or. white. $495 values. phonie WiI.. 1100 WILMETTE LIFE 22 lis il lillici