ch ools *T he Twenty-fôurtb annual track and field meet of the physical education de- partment-of the Wilmette public schools was. held Tuesday, June 8, at the Village Daniel- M. Davis, director of recrea- tion, states that out of the six hundred or" more entrants, seven pupils covered themselves with. glàry by winrling first pla ce in each'event entered. They--were -Mary Lam"-C Stolp school1, who won flrst place in the. Class F girls'. runninig broad jump and run- ning Iiigh i ump. Louis Travrs-8B Howard school, first place in the Class C bosys 50 yard dash and'running broad jump; Bruce Smith, Mviàss-Rogers' room, Stolp school, first place ini Class E boys 50 yard dash and running.broad :Jump; Dick Best- 6C Howard'school, first place in Class F boys' running broad jump and 50 yard dash; Beatrice, Bishop-Miss' Green's room, Stoifr school, first place in Class F girls' 50 yard dash and running broad jump; Lee Mitchell-8A Howard school, first place in the Class *A boys' running broad, jump and runnîng Iiîgh jumip; Nancy Henderson-8B3 Howard schiool Ifirst place. in Class A-B girls' 50 yard dash and running broad jump. Announce Officiais The officiais for th day were J., ree: Daniel achievement certificates given by thie> Wilmette Rotary club at the Shaw- nee clu.b last Wednesday. Those re- ceiving the 'award were:. Hovmoard-Chuck ,Cederberg, Dex' Benson,' Lee Mitchell, Louis. Travis, Olive Carîson, Edna Cummiings, Beitty Huck. Stolp- Janet' Whitehead, Eloise Magner, Robert Canning, Richard Idfer,, John. Brandt , lHarold Buzan, Robert Mann,"Jeanine Stube., (Hardick>,,Cenitral,; 3rd, Epleanor Frei (Brickey), Logan. Tiple: 6.6 sec., Fourth grade boys: lst, George Eisen- brand (Olthoff), HIoward; 2nd, George KoIb (Hardick>,. Central;-, 3rd, Chuck Heinricks (Bjork), Central. Tinme: 6.4 sec. Fifth grade girls: ls t, Dorothy 1Miller (Scott), Central; 2nd, Audrey Hoesch, (Gîbson>, Howard; 3rd, Jean Brady (Gibson), Howard. Time: 6.4 sec. Fifth gradeoys :* Ist,. PJh1îCorper. (Scott), Central; 2nd, Charles IMorrison (Clouse), Howard; 3rd, Hunter Betting- hans (Scott), Central. Tiine: 6,0 sec. Runnlng 111gli Jamrn Clatss AB girls: Ist, Jean J3urpee, 2 Stolp; 2nd, Lucy Kaspar, 8c 1Howard; 3rd, Edna CVimmings, 8A Howard. Height: 4 ft. 4 in. ,Class A boys: lst, Lee Mitchell, 8'A Howard; 2nd, Johin Ratazy'k, 7A How- ard; 3rd, RaY Amibler, SA Howard. Height: 4 ft. 7 In. Class B boys: lst, Dex Bensoni, 8B Howard; 2nd, John Lundeen, 2D) Stolp; 31'd, Robert Canning, 1B3 stolp. Height: sleu. Class AR grl: st, Nancy Henderson, SB, Howard; 2n1d Eloise. Magner, 2C St -lp; 3rt ' Suzanne .Sutherlan~d, lB $tl.Time: 7.2 sec. Class, C girls: lst, Betty Huck, $C Howard; 2nd ' Joan Benner, 7A Howard; 3rd, Cythera Giuthridge, 2C Stolp. Time: 7.2 sec. 1 .Class C boys: ist, Làewis Travis, 8Hg Howard; 2nid Dick Idier, 2C Stolp.; 3rd, Jim Clark (Rogers>, Stolp. Time:ý 6.6 sec, Class 0 girls: lst, Jean Aubineau, .2C Stkolp- 2nd, DorothY Buti er, 7B Howard; ,rd, Dorree, Hammond, 7B3 Howard. Tim-e: 7.4.secb. Class D boYs: 18t, John, Meihope, IC -SfoIp ; 2nd, John Brandt, 2C Stolp ; 3rd, Allen 'rhiompisofl 6C. Howard. Time: 6.4 sec. Class E girls: lst, Barbara Kolb, 2D Stolp; 2nd, Patsy Symons,, 7BHoward, 3rd, Mary Louise Hall, 2A Stolp. Tirne: 71sec. Class E. boys: Dilt, Bruce Smith (Rog- ers), Stlîp; 2nd, Hale Cochrain, IC Stoli); ."rd, Warren Hill, 2D Stolp). Tme: 7.1 sec. Clîass F boys,: lst, Dick 1Lest, 6C io- avd; 2nd(, Leo Hiadley (Rogers>, Stolp; à-d, Dick Siegel, 6B Howard. Timie: 7.1 Class F girls:- lst, Beatrice Bishop. (Crteen), -1toilp; 2nd, Elaine Brandt, 713 Howvard; 3rd, Barbara Frul, 7B3 Howvard. _-m<7lsuc. Jlunniing Broad Junip Class A and B girls: lst; Nancy H-en:I dei-son, 8B 1-owardc; 2nd, DorothY Dc- Witt, 7C Howard;, 3rd, Eloise Magner, 2C S~tin. fDistance: i3 ft. 3 in. ; 12 ft. The annual spring awarding of letters to the pupils of the Wilmette schools was held this, week. Pupils who had won a letter previously were given certificates,: The Howard school winners were as, follows: Track, Allen Thompson, Bob, Dodds, John Bauer. Softball: S'orge Schaefer, Paul Stade,, Bob Anderson, George Gockel, Dick Robinson, Bob. Brady, Ken Mann, Bill Wayt. Girl letter winners: Barbara Frei, Ruth Zibble, 'Jean Borge.son, Mary *Ann Lasce!les, Dorree Haimonid, Kiki Lulias, Patsy Symons, Margaret Bretichley. .The Stolp school winners were as follows: Track,' Bruce Smiith. Softball: Leo Schmnick, Hale. Coch- rane, Steve Finney, Milton Friend, George ýWestcott Robert Naethans. Gi rl letter winners,: jean Burpee. Marjorie Renmaker, Cythera Guth- eridge, Barbara Hannenî, Mary Car- penter, Nlary Helen Nlarmaduke, Elizabeth Greigg, v'eron a'Bredemejeci, Barbara Holway, Iris Tark. Hloward school : track,, Lewis* Travis, Jack Benson, John. Hughes,, Dave Walworth, Lee Mitchiell, Chuck Cederberg, Dex Bensoni. :Howard school: softball, Joe Welt- er, Tom Miller, Hugo Von (1(r Hof, Don Millard, Seldon Von der Hoff, Rl-.. tVadd--T UwisTravis, Bill-Hein- Jant Enyr afd UrtrOe ancuvIc1 Stolp; 2nd, Richard Idier, 2C Stol);. clerks; L. F. Todd, V. L. Replogle, 3rd, Bob Brady, SC2 H.oward. Height: joseph Sacco, George Savage, Everett 4 ft. 5 in. Saunders, Vernon Waite, James Robrer; Ciass D girls: Ist, Mary Lamnb, 2B3 > 'tolp; 2nd, Geraldine DeWitt, 7A H-ow- L.F. Murphy, andR. Gooch, judges; ard;. 3rd, Edde Henderson, 2D Stolp); joseph Sacco, Dick Huck, tiniers; Dor- 3rd, Dorothy Butler. ranc Nyaardàndýjýrnk torduran- Class D boys: lst, Jack _McQuide, 1(2 raonce Ngar n FakStrera-Stolp; 2nd, John 1Bauer», SB Howard', nouncers.3rd,. Jack Benson, 7B Howard. Height: A. committee of mnothers of the Cen- 4 ft. 9 la. tral-Laurel P. T. A. sol refreshinents Class E girls: lst, Barbara Hiannan during the mleet for the benefit Of t e 7B Howard; ýrd, Rose Mary Halldorsen, 'rhlrd grade boys: jst, Arthur Eisenl- (Jones), brand (Joyce). Howard - 2nd, Dicl< (9cott), pemble (Gunderson), Howard; 3rd, (Clouse) Harold Tfoyt (Burtfler), Central. Tlme:* 5 f t. 8R11 4.4 sc. *Fi fth FoeUth grade girls: lst, Violet Ward son),i <jOnes). Ho war di 2nd Barbaria Kleft (Sctt), tan ue :16 fti; 1'. Hi, ; J15 L. ;'14Il. '/2 Mi. Class B boys : lst, Dave Allison, 11B Stolp ; 2nd, Bill Wayt, 7A Howard ; 3rd, William *Baer, 81SB wad.Distance: 14 ft. 4 ia. ; 1,3 fW 71A- in. ;1:> ft. 7 in. Class C girls : lst, Cytheria Guthieridge, 2C Stolp ; 2nd; Jean Putnam, 11B Stolp ; 317d, Mary Bacon, 8B3 Stolp.. Distance: 12 ft. lilIn. ; 12 ft. 10 in. ; 12 ft. 91h in. Class C boys: lst, Louis Travis, 813 Howard ; 2nd, Bob Matsofl, 8A How#ard; 3rd, RyDrebes, SA IHoward. Distance: 15 ft. ; 13 ft. il in. ; 13 ft. 10 in. Chiss -D ils: 1st . ,aiýy.Lamnb, 213 1-.; 5 ft. 10'/2 ln- Fort Sheridan team at 3:30 p. m. 7rade girls: lst, Doris Symoas Sunday, june 20, on the north polo Howard; 2d,. Joan Duncan field at Fort Sheridan. Bill or Otis entrai ; 3rd, Margaret Farrell Howard. Distance: 5 ft. .914.ln.; Carney, both of whom played with 5ft. 7-Y la. th apLoadWo temls ade boys:DIst, Phil Suttle (Gib- thedameoadW d a ls È)ward; 2nd, Jack. .Spangler Sny at Sheridan, 'will be .the Central; .Ar&, Tom Stivers alteriate for -the Evanstontem Blrownl, ave vvaiwortuggs Duel Chuck Cederberg. H oward school girls winners; Dor- othy Baron, jean Engles, Floriçe Jones, Lauretta Schle.ier, Shirley Bacon, Patty Crawford, Dorothy Butler, Lois WVa age, .Edna Cuninings, Olive Carlson,, Nancy Henderson, Jean Moreau,. Dixie Lee Fanck-. boner,1 Kathleen Ebbert, Flore nce Janaes, Betty Huck, Evelyn Jacob- son, Julia Janicki, Betty Marsh, .Kay Doney, joan Benner, Mary Bacon, Betty* Miller, Sue .Lamprey, Shirlie Maughan, Frances Ogle, Mary Lamb, Jean Scheibel, Janet . Whitehead, Edde Henderson, Jeanne Aubineau, Nancy Larson, Barbara Kolb, Mary Louise Hall, Carolyn fHirsch,AudreYý Lawrence, Beatrice Bishop, :Bessie Allanis, Gladys Zeutschël. .at