ELLISON BAY >WIS, la Door Conty. on Green Bay A Campil for Boys nad Girls f.to la Vears of Age lotth SEASO'N ýWe provide simple home hif e for a smal group. Enviroumnent of naturai beauity. Farni experiene Creative activities $ports iwltboit coipetition- Muse-art work-adventure Mrs. Bertram A. Weber 292 R oger WilliaMs A ve., Highiassd Park, Phone ,Highlamod Park 1782 Patron ize Our Advertisers HEADING FOR HAPPINESS IN THE GLORJOUS pixies Goonlgt ong ....... Brown Wood Nymph's 1Harp .... .......Rea. Joan Wolter Stormn at Sea ......... ... ... ...Viole Melody .......... ........... Engle.man Sbarkllng Eyes . ý.......... .. AnthonY Judy Stevennon Va7lee Miniature ..........Ewing Castanets ....................... Rebe Anita Turck IV Cherry Bùds............ ...Keats Heart's Desire ...... ........... Karoly Jane Stevenson v On the 'Ice at Sweet Briar . . . CraWford [n Oid Mexlico............... ....-Viole Sonatine................Beethoven Mildred, Brooks, Mnuet ln G............... . Bee.t)âoven1 Chaconne ....... ...... .........Durand Winifred Mallette Prelude.................. ...Chopir, Papillons.................... Grieg Jean Spanuth VitiI Sparks......... ......MNoszkowski Polonaise ..............,.-.Chopin ,Ix Fugue.................... Bach~ Etude F Sharp major......Aensk Marie Grady Nocturne.....................Chopin Etude, Opus 1,Nuniber 2..Coi Elisabeti> Th ieme xi1 Etude, Opus 10, Numiber 3.....Chopin Concert Etude........aDwl Helen .Sa-ndstronm Hiarris, Whto lias just gracluated trom the Choate school and is remaining east for his college board examina- tiens, and the two younger boys; Langdon and Bradford, wiIi sail June 26 f romi New York on' the Stadangarf- jord, for Bergen, Norway, to travel in, Scandinavia until the end .of JuIy. Mr. Barber and Harris will returii to this country at that time, Harris reniaining east to sait on the Atlan tic coast, withi friends. Mrs. Barber and Dr. S. G. Inman deleizat iop at theç Decet- elday evengune 22 a 8o'cock- 011 the pu*blic, will be as follows: Harvest Moon.ý.................oy the Pirate Bold...................Rov Harriet Riolhter The Cricket Band................l. ka Maroh <if.the Brownies ...........Tf ir Pan! traer Peter. .. Peter................ . oach<f the, Wee FoIks.......n r Bobby IKennedy Velow Btitterflieq.........Mahda Little Tarantelle.....MacLel Andrea Johuoný6 e ,d les' Marceh............. Schuma nn IHappy Fariner........Schuin.nn, Phillip eago OIooýd Little Eva..........o, n In a Hay,*loft ..................Tlrj. I.ittle Topsy...................flhE( The Elephant and the M.Tousqe, . Marilyn M'%acKenz!e CI 1 i bin g..................MacT5iîhIan The 17,f amif the Fairies.......feni1. Barbara Beuttas T,ttie Rogue .................Ni..i;zi Il ln Sprîng_................W E Ann Riéhter The irstButtrfiy......... .ni;s" SAre r('<iý..........T(ýjL- S Betty Kennedy 1rÏi...................... Fuor Elie..................P, 0'v ~Vinte ~ ............... Elfi IJnce....................." Fay Wic Minuet......................Pa er.1--4i1 OlivuDahneke Soufegk4to.............PII. .P. -Ustrian Songz................aVr fmages in r i t e V nttr ... ..w- r. Poroth'John. er-, R<, 1 aCE i; Preliitîdi -No. 22 . . . . . . .. CIi Andrea Stephienson ýtjj !Hungnriinn Fantasia ,... . ... U '.t. M L~Toutsie qcreh ur1 Aieriwa, and4 ufUing Meilt iVusU l ye.ars hie was director of thie Peopice's institute. in Mexico. He lias written HOME FROM COLLEGE a numnber of books, the best known (of Miss Mfargaret' Iverson, (laflghlt(ir which are "Problerns i Pan Amier- of Mr. and Mrts. Leslie A, fi. 2 icatnism" and "Trailing the Conq;is-; Maple avenue. returned h Ionie lune 2. tadors." Hie is a frequent con'trihl)tor ~for flic summiier vacation froini Nansa to magazines, anîong thein the Atlantic Statc college at MNanhiattain. Kas. iHer MtonthIy, Current History, and the istCr,.1 Leslie, a sÇnei'or at ahat. Journal of Political Science. I i rnmaining at school .and(l ýIIi l League Official --,i-~aItatcd at the e 1)(1o f sl "Deiocracy and .International Co - ho oprai(-t" s hetpic -of the second~ atNothLeC.n-. GOOn~ Ant City ficha Agent ý.AALWAU EE RAD 't mhr,.FI.id. years as a executive of the Chinlese The linstitute' is sponsored by the railway he has an economnic as well as Aeican Friends Service conitte a social and political background.. the Congregational Christian council fér He has been a* nember of the Na- Social Action, and a group of prrniineltý tional committee of the>Young Men's c-itizenls of the Chicago area. 4 lien 1 ý ý ý'A -'Ill C ý