ROBE, SPECIAL! $685 cool Sme Crepes for home, beach, locker,,travel. Plain col- ors with polka dot trim or al- over-polka dot. A rich remem- brance. - "Fit.Lok" Slacks Best Wash Slack value. we've ever offered. Copies of expensive bflannels with adjustable size de- vise, detachable for washing. Westminster Hose Pastel listes in 6x3 ribs, flat weaves, fancies, docks. Pastel p ,GIVE DAD 'A COOL SU MM ER S U1I! Palm Beach a 0$1675 A huge selection in whites for vacation, sports C. LYrToN & SONS Orring ton and: Clurcli -EVANSTON JUNE 17, 1937 95.