havoc in the state meet. The top. photograph was taken for the "Echoes,-" the senior class annual,* i studios, and the other pictures were snapped by two: enterprizing . young a in a t e u r photographers, Charles Wane Hotze and'Richard Finney, both of Wilimette. Picture No. 1 shows-the entire teani with Coaches John. Nay (lef t) and Paul Delaporte seated in front. Other photos ar:2 aptain Bill Murray., 3.'Ted, Bushnell passes. the baton to jini McFàdzean; 4. Lowell Snorf and Hugih, Clayton .in the relay;. jack Jennings, captain-elect;, 6. San! Car- son; 7. Charles Wayne Hotze; 8. Warren Meyer; 9. BillJennings; 10. Paul Casterline, 11. Jack Fyfe, 12. Howard Moulding;, 13-. -Coaches Nay Another view of Fyf e; 15. Frank Sublett: 16. Arthur Adair; 17. Wal- ter Knoop. Chicago to Be Host to Vets This Month Chicago wilI be host, to the Iargest gathering of Illinois War Veterans since the Armistice when the 33rd division War Veterans associato nicets at the Hotel Shernin f or 'ts anrnul convention of June 25, 26 ~ and 27, Ray R. Notter, chairman of the convention comniittee, today said that thousands of veterans f rom ail over '- the state will join with the 20,000. Chi- cago veterans of the 33rd division to consecrate the 2th anniversary of the arrivai of American troops in France, June 26, 1917. The associa- -- tion has chapters in ail of the larger cities of the country, and hundreds Of .~ - delegates froni New York to Califor- ..... nia wili be present. Y M On account of the mhany spécial ~. . , -- icatures arranged and the îiport.ance to the meembers of the platforrm of '----.- i~v future activities, the convention îviiil.l be the largest ever held by the aSm- sociation. Among the special réunions iili be tha-t of the fo1owng orgailiza- tî :129th Jnfantry, l30th Jnfantry. 121th 1nfantry, 132nd I4nfantry, j22nd chine unbattalisrn, lMth Machdie 12r4 FieldArtillery 124th F1ield A- tilr 10h Zgineers, 108th Field. ilia- Police. théi ftwo daughters, Etel and Fra1ý, ces, moved recéntly f rom their home at 178 Myrtie, street, Winnetka. They are now niaking their home atý 122 Dupee place, Wilrriette. GO TO SUMMER HOME . Mr. and Mrs. T. G.. Cooke- of 355 Kenilworth avenue, Keniiworth, ieft Ttiesday for their summer home at Mleppo fisand, Lake Vermhilion, near Tower, Miam, for thi.ene easn