Benef it for Work, *in War-Torn Spain A garden musicalei1le held atj the homne of Ms.AifrédK-. Stern, 1701 ýSouth ,Sheridan road, Ravinia, :on ,Thurs dav ,evening, J une '24, under the auspices of * the North qhore chatroth * Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Denocra cy. Daniel -Saidenberg and his String Chamber orchestra will present an *unusually well arranged, program in- cluding selections f rom Mozart and. Johann Sebastian Bach, Mir. Saiden- berg, a former mem ber of -the Clhi- cago symphony, Will shortly broadcast his own concerto with îhe, WGN * Synmphony orchestra. Lini Fuhr, head of the American Convalescent hospital near Madrid, who 'has just returnied from' Spain, wilI relate hier first-hand experjences in that country upon whic.h the eyes of the world are focused. Miss Fuh'r, forinerly with the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York,.'served for al- most five month-s in the Madrid lies- pital. She is here only long enough, to tell the American people the truth -about Spain, and to show the des- perate need for hospital supplies. -~ TheMedical Bureau to Aid Span- Wedding Cown and F in ger-lip Veil A sinaple white wdiggoWnl of net over silk, trinmmed ini shirre(l net andl nmade with, full puffed siceves xvas. worti bv, Miss. K a t h e r i n1 eElaet Thompson for her marriage fast. Satu'rda' eveniing .tio Jamles *No r nani Kraft, thie soli of Mr. and' Mrs. Nornia 1 Kraft of Nip-, persini1k, Wis.. formierly of Wil- mnette, A Ailger-tip veil of tulle ivas held in place -with, a hieart- sh1aped coronet of niet, anid she crried liles of the vallev, and niadonnia lhuie. Miss Virginia IDress,-el of Wilmnette, the *maid of honor, was gowned ini a dress of pink crepe muade xitli a small jacket, and carried an old fashioned bouquet of roses and hadli- clor buttons. -Mrs. Thompson, mnoth- er of the bride, wore peadli lace with a corsage of corn flowers, and N.rl.. Kraft a dark shade of bIne lace with gardenias. In the absence of the Rev. L-elaid( Dan forth of Kenilworth, who was being done, nu Spain by the. American Friends society, one of wýhose train- ed observers was receptly' sent to in- vestigate conditions there. He found that the Loyalist children must have care in much greater proportion thati those in Rebel :territory, and there- fore the :Fiiends are concentrating their efforts where they are miost needed. aThe Medical bureau also flnds that agreat part of its work consists in Moffett Pho Wearin.q a PrIncess 7edding gozon of beige chiffon alyn ast shadinci f0 delicate Pink, and a long beiýqe fulle 'zeil with ifs /Pearl headdress, Miss Mr Lynch of Kenilwvorth was rnarried fo Richard D. Caigney of Jivanston Tues- day. June 8, at high noon, in St. Mar-v's church in Evanstoni. 7Te Cagne vs are mou, in White SuiPhur Springs,.1W. Va., an d c.rpect alter a stavY there, to inotor u-P the, eastern. coast f0 New York, and possibly i;ito Canada, before b)ot, Jr., ot St. Elisabeth's church iii Glencoe. The service wvas' read bc- fore a background of green decorated with large vases of suimmer flowver, iii.white and pastel colors, and xvas followed by a reception. Only the two families, the close relatives and a few intimate friendi; of the bride were among the wedding guests. Miss Martha Wood, the bride's roommate at Rockford college. came Irom her home ini Omaha, e. for the wedding. nue, in c ce at t at 1701 rw.e vv*- rain, it will ern home, h'* Sheridan roaci. tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Fairfield Porter, .1077' Sheridan road,; Winuaetka' E. C. Moss, Jr., 316 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, returned home Friday from the University of -Illinois school of journalism. Mr. Moss is. a mem- ber of. Gatuma Theta Phi. Mr. and Mrs. Hernry Hauseinan of 224 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, have as' their houseguest, Miss 'S. E. De- marest, of flergenfield, N. J. Miss Demnarest Will be with-the Hausemans indefinitely. The Young Mothers Club of Wil- mette will meet Monday evening, June 21, at 7:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John H. Schneider, 382 Fair- view avenue, Winnetka. There will be a round table discussion led by Mrs. Lenoir Hood Miller of Wil- mette. Mrs. W. K. Wantner and Mrs. Lester Bail will serve as hostesses.