loiliisolwio ,vas born on 'Sun- dlay. May 23, arc SSaiîirg at rn'id- night Friday, Julie 18, on the Europa, for a fifteen mionths' sta'v abroad. The babyý is namied after ber great. aunt. E1liabeth. her.paternal grandfat her's sister, -and his great grandmotbcer, a nd 'oni the Tonilinson side,. for ber gyr ea t Elizabeth Doreni, and her great grandrnother. Headlquarters for- the Tomnlinson familv for tenx itc înh hil e Ceneva. M r. Tonîlinson, a iniember of the faculty of \Vabash college in 1 th e departmîînt.of history and ( political Science, has,,)eetn award- Miss IDorothy Barber, 827 Oak-: M, flic.- 1937- '38, Traveling fellowvship wýood avenue-, is one. of, severai norili h)v tihe Carnegie 'Eiioý,menit for i11 $10» slio,-c alumac of.Frances S/timey teýrnation)1al Peace. He yViIl coniplete school assisting zvith plans fo r thte Ilis work for his (loctor's çdgree an 1 dinner dantce w/t!ich t/te loc al alumn- Nvill at the ;allie fil-el)e director of nae organwamtion will hold afthe't i thc Anierican comîmittee of the roof gaürde,, of t/te Orrington hotel 'ageof Nton.whîch wi11. mai iî- in osonFiave ig Jn 8 tain an lî7ce ail wiiîter, a departure from tbe tusual ciustoni of operating. o11Nl during the simmner season. l'le roiilinsoîis .tvmporar 'v a(ldreý.ss wil Spoke Supper Party bu 4 ruc Adhemar Fabri. (eea Switzcirlaind ini carc of thie- Americanl Benefits Building Fund comnitteeý. In~ the faili' r~.Toin- lînontX)et tO (1, ou f' 11r, rs1-J.M. 'Hale, 1051 Ramiona husban<ls researcli work. road. w op)enîn b, ler bouse and grounds \!s.lonliînson and lier daughitr for a stpper partv to be given bv' arcgong o ewYor b tain M.'Spoke Twelve of theWlet Pres- f uni lin son 1ý( (liicî'eSt. to take te~ *aîtçrstipper Althe Con9re9gation and l tlîir frieiîds are cor(liallv iniv'te ,d To Tour Europe to coine. This. is the tiuir(l avnuali affair of it kiiid, anîd ià the lest tb'ev 11Ys Caroine Clark. d'ugbterof have proved delightful occasions. Mlr. andi Mrs. Ralph Clark, 620 For- ,ý es Avenue. is lcaving IJiuii, 2(),. itî, .Mr s. Arthuir Brereton is chairmnan nin Vasa gils fo a hre. "îot 11 0f thie spokeu, and Mrs. Knight Blan-i Sour ii Erope.rlrfal. r.i eing j e, liard chairmnan i ii charge of the tourin alph jr, i leàin Ppartyv. Reservations niay' be made not 501for Canp 'Manitovish, beelie !hnNoia.IvclngMs 'will bc for r iy wks. ,Mrs. larklate ba ona. b alig'Ms will joi Mr. Clark in Florida about H .Pue Ton Diamondo 70to carat 4 14K yeéllow gold Ili Ton Diamonds .03 carat *och-Fuil cut-1O% iridiumn Piatinum-Segmnent Top, 0 Bue .Wb c. B. 7en Diamonda .02 cart« 1 eh 10% Iridium P!atirnuc Ail Diamond, channel u.t-70 ta carat-1O% Iridium Platinum Mie iq~o $7o75, PFEA CO"CK. ANNIV ERSARY IN CHICAGO e 1837-11g57 Thne In Evanston .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scarratt' and their daughter, Shirley, 521 Kenil- worth. avenlue, recently attended the Commencement exervises at the Ui- versity' of Illinois, where another daughter, jçanne, was 'graduated. Miss .Sèarattwas'president of Alpha Phi. Chilcago Avnue of 'Michigan Facing I Vter Tower Superior 7371 Easy Porlinq il HINMAN AVE. JUST SOUTH 0F DAVIS ST.. EVANSTÔN Operated by PAUip A. Daielaon $2S5 0 Blue WhteDlarondae9 $40 Engraved Weddiaq Rings, $5.00ad upward 9-