I -4 U FentIon R. HoPk- ins of Robert S. A riold çAssociates, Wirnette archi-, tects,> mae Me aboze, renderinq af thc Frank' E. Stro mer reséidence in PMos moor,' Ill.- This buiildiinq illusçtrates the fueof firesafe concrete noryl one-storv resaidence construct ion. The hotusecon taîins five moins, two baths, recrcatioi rooie, steel kitchet *d in casscoektPIeeisiato,1.da automafic gas fired w1» eîter air conditionipng system. Bathroom Catches An unusual featr fti Ouse is ~oon ton S~e the living. room and dining room, which ?ltïiii&ng fixture 1joihavth cur-,pO ashlar walls and beted joied he mr-son. cilings, and which are divided rent vogu.e in coronation styling. at by a tali, floor 'o ceiling portierre with the recent Atlantic City convention ~neîdbainaddaigcnrl of the National Association of Master ocaedbrInndrwigotol Plumbers.' so, - observed a visiting contractor, The Coronation Bath, a colorful. "I suppose the conventional bather creat ion e mploying the Neuvogue llipe will find hinwelf sitting almost on the of bath fixtures, was displayed by point of South Africa; the shoiver Crane comnpanv. Althougb given the bti- aet aewt ereEg namne *Coroxiatio1i Bath," it is iiot in- ilf , t ac it eri Eg The First Step to a. BeatiulLawn Protect your lawn beauty with American Chain Link Fence. Low original cost. no upkeep cost . and a lifetimne of service mn4Ie this fencean Unuali nvestm.nt,. Coveniently located, we can offer special service and rates to North Shore residents. Phone for a consultation. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO, Factory: Liertville.. Phone Libertyville 378. AMERICAN CHAIN *. t ion anid arrangeme'nt for tho<e -Il want to giVe their bathroomns an Eng- ish themne and parallel the popuIaritv of styles in tune with the reigu ôof * George VI, it wvas pointed out by EueeHaskell, of the Bahoom * Planning Department of Crane. Co., ýwho arranged the mode! dis play. Complete even te, the royal mnôno gram on the shower curtainan crimson, is relie ed by a leopard skin rug and the silk shower curtain is gold in color. A symnphoniizing of modern and roval-traditional in both mode and çolor was the desire of the designer. ."It is our 'hope that such.mnodel bathroom suggestions as this ivill be a help to the master plumber in selling the householder wiho is seeking new and different ideas for bathroom style.",Haskell çàtatd ýL1 1564 SHERN University,0283 M4AD ' AVENUE Rogers. Park 0271 wit h our VANSTON Wilmette 2486 A REAL E ITE