LARGE FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE bath. $5. AIso .garage. 815 Forest Ave., Wilrnette 82LTN46-ltp UNUSUAL HOMtE WILL TAXE SUM- mer gueste. Convenlent. e harmlng ac- commnodations for 4. Give yrour phone number to, A-13, Box 60, Wimet,1. 82LTN6-Itp SINGE ROMLIGHT, AIRY, NEAR LAKCZ AND RANSP. 3RD FLOOR. NO HOUSEKEEPING_ GENTLEMAN PREFERRED. WINNETKA 1180. 82LTN6-ltp LARGE FRONT BE13DROOM, LIGHT and alry. East side near transporta- tion. Sultable for 2. Ph. Wllmette :1530. 82LTN6-ltPS FOR RENT COFORETABLE FURt- NISMED ROOM NEAR TRANSPOR- TATION. PH. GLENCOE 331. 82L,6-Iltp: ROOM, SINGLE OR DOUBLE, WITH private bath. Near transportation. Board optionai. Glencoe 492. 82LT671tp LARGE OM, PRIVATE BATH AND~ porch in colonial home. Exclusive neighborhood. Near beach and trans- portation. Wnnetka 2144. 82L6-ltp BEAUT1FUL FURNISHED FRONT room for lady. Adjacent bath and1 shower. Garage if desired. $5. Wil- metfCe 2572. 82LTN6-ltp LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM FOR 1 or 2 people. Kitehen privileges if desired. Near transportationaise ga- irr.Phne WWlmette 2158. 82LTN6dltp A-11, TE. n. exc-hange e and, lessoni 1522 FQrest Ave. - Carl. Fr. Col. 3 bed., i b., furnished,*or not. $85.00.. ýRENILWORTH- On beautiful Wooded 90-ft. lot ln heart, of Eastlocation-4 bedr., 2 b., .2 gar., offer. WINNETKA .Nr. lake, s chl.'i trans., delightftul new 5 bedrm., 4%~ b., den., game rm., air- conditioned. $20,0. 'GL.ENCOE Alod. Eng. Br.,, 4 bedrmns, 2 b. $115. SEARSD-o REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Rd. kenilworth 5Z88 97LTN6-lýtc MAGNIFICENT ÇIEORGIAN HOME, ON .i ACRE 0F beautiful gardens (lke -an Engllsh Park) mn E. Winnetka. 10 rms. <Iovel-y white woodwork), 3-car gar. 7$250 mao. yr. lease. Also oharming white, cottage type Win- .netka home. 3 bedrms., 2 baths, porch., Lovely yard. Summedr or yearly l.ease. $85 Mo., BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Âve., WlIin. Winti. 3450 97LTN6-ltc ýWILMETTE - 5 ROOM BRICK BUNG- alow. July-August. Screened porch, garage, nlce yard. Quiet neighborhood, grand piano. 3 blocks to transp. Wil. 1985 after 6.. 97LTN6-ltp FOS URENT-FURNISED NOUISES WINNZETRA - l/, BLOCK TO LAKE on private rd. Is located this delight- fui br. Col. hse., available for July and Aug. at but $175 a mc, 4 bedrm., 21/1 SEA RS, REAL E STATE ýT 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5288q Write 98LTN6-1tc ýN6-ltp CHARMING LARGE H-OME. 6 -BED- rooms, 3 baths, den, porches, lovely ofyard. $200 for the summer. ýare o Other rentais furnished and 7unfurnished 0. Box for t.he summer or by the 'NÉ-ltp Frances J. IWinscott Rms. 902 Spruce Street Wlnnetka 1267. OUSE- ..98ITN6-ltc Wil- 7ROOM HOUSr. tthe "Voice 'of Experience" THIS ENGLISH BRICK le, the ideal home if ycu havýe two-or three children. It la a HOME. The,2nd floor hias an ;ideal room for rec- reation. The 3rd floor lias a studio room iwith a fire- place. Maid's quarters are on thé lst floor. Onfly, The present owner of this house has been transferred. and miust seli bis Wllmette home. Brick-51 bedrms., 2 * atagame, vd deep lot. $26,090.00. Ail you could askfor plus 1many extra s you .wlill find ln this Egnglish brick home -a step-down living roomn, u5 bedrms., -3 baths. In the eastern part'of Wnnetka.. Ail for $18,500.00. I¶ow does'this sound-East Winnetk---bric.k - 4 bed- rms., 2 batis- H. W. heat. $1t,,500.00. INC. 1571 Sherman Avenue Evanston Rog. Pk. 2616 Uni. 2600 Wil. .'602 11iLTN6-ltc w w HIGHLAND 'PARK COMPARE THIS HO M E WIT H OTHERS. Ready to move into.' Lawn eut, and in fine condition ; beautiful fiowers ln bloomi; rany evergreen trees. Idéal. for. small faniily. WVest of Highland Park. $10,000. Mrs. Wlnk. TRWILMETIE THS6-ROOM HOME INVITE S COM- PARISON. Located in a very desirable N. W. section. 3 bdrms. ; lav. onlst floor; 2-car gar. Only $10,000. Mr. Clarke. MONEY, and E N E R G Yi phone or eall at one of 3ý con- venient offices for your free copy .- no obligation. WIL-METTE 8 NE-W HOMES- jn. a radius of oniemile. Ail in- sulated and alr-conditioned. Lib- eral financinig avýailable. Small cash' required.. SHOWN BY APPT. ANY TIME 1724 AND.1728 WALNUT . .-..$11,500 6 room;.1% bath brick; pine game room. 2225 THORNWOOD-6 RMS. . ..$13,500 21/2 bath f rame Cape Cod. 2035 GREENWOOD-7,;ROOMS. $14,500 Brick;, attached garage.. 2136 AND 2140 KENILWORTH- $18,850, $19,850. 7 and 8 roomai; brick and frame, and aoeand frame: 2 batths;, 2 extra lavatories. The last word in ap- polntmnents. 2004 TH1ORNWOOD-7 ROOMS4l$5,000 Stone and, frame: gaine room and bar; blinds and carpetirng inciuded. 1945 CHESTNUT-7 EXTRA. .$11,00 Large rooms: 2 ba hs;' paneled library and game room. Space for room and bath on thjrd. Briargate 1855 Winnet<a 2700 WINNETKA PERFECT ARCHITECTURE - Il rooms. Italian house in best section of Winnetka: 3-car garage wlth qiarters above. Best construction in every detail. Over an acre of ground. Priced low for quick sale. Mrs. Wilder. Briargate 1855, Win- netka 2700. ceptioni ~ va,,,. i. ,%1ILK- --- Park 1855. NEAR LAKE - HANDSOME BRCK residence - quality-built; studio living rooni; library;, 5 bedroonis; 4 baths; 'large landscaped lot. To- day's price ontly $ 33,50.0. Mr. Me- Laughlin, Wirnn.. 2700, Bri. 1855. ROLLING AND WOODED - 5-T iomesite near Skokie C. C. sectin. Contour adapts itelf to many archi- 'tectural types. Fenced in~ front and rear. New price-$60 front foot. 50-ft lot 'to west also availabie. Gre. 185.5, Hol. 1855. ginED APTO, McGIJ 'TE AND BATH. Q ver 431 ýY & AUGUST. 530 Davis,, 4129 1338- Park 93LTN6-ltP rans, Gre. Glèncoe .R, INC. ýable Service .080, WII. 2')8 t Glencoe 13 111LTN6-1t.c WARNEIR HIGHLAND PARK-5 dl Hghland Pari Y MAIN OFFICE-7 S. 1: Central M p ST. JOHNS ý855 ýRBORtN ST. 111LTN6-ltc