Diamonds, Watchez and SPILVERWARE J 47) "S, F K.USS ............ a 44 ip "The 'North' Shore Follies 'of 1937," ,a dance recital by the PuPils of Miss J une'.Major, head of. the North. Shore Schoôl of Dancing, unit, bel Preseented ont the r;eqfilar pro.qrain at the Siadiumt theatre in North Evanston Monida y, lune 21. There,,.cilI bc performances at approiimnately 3 and 8. o'clock. Among the dancers W.ho will be Par- numrbers bJy pupilsfrom 3 to. 18'years ticipating in the nutrbers (lef t to r"ight) old. Miss Majogr, . Who is directing the iiie Lucy Buckle, of Evanston, Mavi3 Muggeridge of Evanston, Agiies Bau- ballet, acrobatic, and novelty tap datnc2, miller of Wilmette, and Betty Jane recital, is known in Europe auj on Clifford of Winnetka. Broadway for hier talent as a dance Ile hêprogram i wlf iicltidé siiteen atitiý That this recreational selection bhas flot 'been misplaced seems to be borne out by, the fact tha t swimM ing is gen- erally accepted, to be one of the surest roads to .healthy, coordinated,, sym- meütrical physical developmrefit. Required Sport: It is pointed out, however, resuitsare obtainable whenproperpr o- cedures are followed. Swirnming 'Is a required part of the New Trier physîcal éducation prograrn; therefore, it is desirable that -boys and girls, of, pre-high schéol- age . become familiar with fundamentals, and thus be--prepared to gain the fullest benefit in.later years. WorId's Fineèst The compactniess and remarkabie . the finest of its kind ini the world .1..the ideal teaching spot, from stand- point* of supervision of learning and safety of practice. Twenty years with- out a serious accident is .proof of pre- cautions taken. There is no restriction of agé, and somewhere in the following detailed schedule, somewhat revised from the original printed two weeks ago, is a ficers' Reserve corps at Fort Sher- idan. Among these are: Clyde Taylor,. Neil H. Martin, Vincent Taylor, Zero Marx, Warren Pease, John Coolidge, Leon Anderson, William Lester and Ed. Parmelee. Mrs. F. A. TrE nue, entertained1 828 Ashland ave- e third division of rec- 9ý:15-10:00 Fi Help Grouj 9,:45-10 :39 Fi rlly groups and Special eperiod for high school 'ol pupils. ash Parties and SPec -l 's, 12 to 14 years. in Wilmnette May 31, 1917 Preparations are in progress for the registration of ail Wilmette men eligible for miitary service. The event will be ce1ebrated with an ex- tensive program, including a parade Junn 3, 1927 The newly. organized Keyston.e club, the membership of which was recruited from Wilmette Royal Arch Masons, held its first entertain.ment. George B. Bassier was president,- A. J. Motuat vice-presidnt, Schuyler Harvey, secretary, and W. W. Win-- berg, treasurer. Ira' Iverson was chairman of the entèrtainmentý com- and Mrs. Lyman Drake, treasurer. The Kenilworth. club entertairned with a rçception and dance in honor of the young inen wlio joined the 0f- Patronize Our ,ldvertisers. itnmediately following. Forfurther information telephone Mrs. War- ren W. Shoemaker, dGlencoe 1407. il :15-12 :00 Free period for high school summer school pupils. Frlday 9 :15-10:00 Boys, 9 to il Years. 9 :45-10:30 Free period for bilgh school summer scfrool 'pupils. 10 :15-11 :00 Girls, 6 to 8 years. il :15-12:0 Ladies (instruction or rec- reational swimming). Saturday 9-,15-10 :00 Boys and girls, Splash 'Par- 19800J Free Storoge Durlaq Sommer Months wamette 200 M 1 aàv.LvAý