of a nuner of *new mcuiucrs aeF among the attainments of the oh Shore Property Owners association for 1937 as included Wn the report of. the secrcetary issued this week The organiz.at ion, incorporated in 19312. to preserve the residential character of the north shore. is made uýp of nearly 4W0 representative prop- erty omnerg fromn Evanston to Lake Bluff. inclusive. Tt ig thic only associ- a1tion of itcs kind, serving the entire niorth shore as a unit with particular regard for the interests of the owilers o f residential propcrty. Watl L.gislati Activities 'of the associationi with respect' to motor trucks cetitered chieflv- this ycar'around the ltinoi$ 'Motor Carrier Act of 1937 which ;iassed the, general assinbly last onyiù afe ubetocd b tîcý ses-ionsonlyto evta vte -overnor on the grounds that it was tinconstitutional. The. Property Owîî- ers association. with the cooperation Of official representatives oÎ the North shore towkls and chties, %vas uccssulin~ having four Drotertive ;inendmnents wrltten into- the bill so that it wotîld have worked far less Jamaze(T tn resiIaential ponerts, evei, Progress toward reinoval oi the Route 42 markers irons Sheridan road and restoration of the road to its proper status as a miere, connect- inoe link between the north shore sub- for the holiday vacation. 1Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Dingee and family of Wausau, Wis, were guests of Mr$. S. M. Disnd m Miss Anc Dingme 932 lakea'venue, for the Mns. Charles E. Lord was hostess to the Fortnightly Bridge club at bher home, 515 Central, avenue. A demonstration of Christmas cakes and candies made of corn products was held at St. Joseph's church. Mr. and: Mrs. E. G. Stevenson, 522 Central avenue, were sperdina the whnter in Florida. Wiltnette .-- I.,- Held Tendi Street and Central Aveue Sunday Serviceril am. Wednesday-Testimonia1 Meeting-S p.m. Sunday Schooi Exercises-9:45 a.m.. January 2.,1938 Susbject: GOD READING ROOM-is33 Central Avenue Open Daili (except Wednmday) , A. M. t. 6 P. M. Wednemday 1) A. M. tO 7:45 P- M. Saturday 9 A. M. t. 9 P. M. THELSPUBLIC là COSDALLY EMTD 70 CEulRcu MimaitAND VimT Tilt Agi.-'- NM. , ie crossînp, Tas truck ý Illie,