l- A lew coule i used to tiveness is manili hay fèves of eczen of comnu I)octoi dUd tat a ons ly. Prececling adoption of the rcsolu- F ori Landerdale, Fin. j tion, Mr. Burke, explained tu, the _____________________board that after several con ferences at the State's attorney's office. he, (Mfr. Burke) and Mrs.- Margaret S. ALLEARGYPierson. township clerk, were told by By . S. Lyu... ilbert F. Crowley, first a',sistant. that bis office would co-operate Lp,.au Plmavmmmp whenever the sberiff would act. ~ trniforan ld naldy a~ Mr. Burke said he îiext visitûd the v trniÏoran ld ialdy ias shecriff's office where he was assured to use.. Allergy is the Word that the places now operating wil be signify an abnormal senisi- closed if it is the wiIl oi the citizenis to vnios sbstaces Itof the township that they be closed fested lby a certain type of, Mr. Burke said the sherifïs offce -r, asthmna, hives, some forms apeared to the under the erroneoUs ni and about three per cent impression that the citizens of NeW on ol<ls. Trier are flot part.icularly conicerned about such enforcernent. However, rs recognize that this Con- Mr. Burke assured the board that he A competent p1sy.ýiciait casa diag- nsose an allergic condition Irom more serious form of these maladies. He cin deterihine whiat cawtes it, anîd prescribe for its relief. ,e irI Tlsefy ore Aig a very Merry Christmias scason ot 609 Cent ral avenue tAis yeur because Private 11William Petiick, son of Mrs. Wil- ljim Mueller i: honte with the folks. He is an "enlisted" sman in sthe Xorthwestern.M1ilitari, and Nav-al Acdey i 4I . vc wJri' hr is a opoiar. as îel as a pro- gressivc cadet. Heê is spentdi;qtg th hldyseasona in Wjlynetl. the opposite s:av of the Street t short distance to the soutb; cau-sinvî. er car to skid on the icy pavement, impact did only slight damage to eihrcar..,Mr. Brigbt: waS in tthe car with Mrs. Bright. Sitting in the Grahami car %%erc Mrs. Graham and Nir. an(] Mrs.' E. b.. Burreli of Milwaukee, waiting for Mr. Graham. The part% had beei guests oU 'Mr. and MIrs. Kent Il. Parker, 729 Ninth street, daughter and son-in-law of the Grahiams. Fol- lowing the collision M rs. Graham re - entered the bouse and collapsed. A physician was cafled. but she died within a few minutes. Mrs. Burreli was treated for a çlight bruise oni the chin. A coroner's inquest ie'ld Monday àat 2W-f. Erk rèet, titcàeô, fcibsi<1 that Mns. Grahajn\' death was due to natural cautses. Nfrs. Bright at- tended the inquest, but was not called uipon to give testimony. New Trier township and outside tite ùorporate lmits of varlous villageis where 1eer arnd lquor la bé1ng aold contrary to the_ New Trier Townihip Yours truly>, HarrY C. Kintie, pe~<et ok Couenty,I iaad Village of (ilencoe is a copy of the reb~ultu- -d by thse Township board Sto Sheriff Tomnan: and et-