I formnsrly ialamSfr lino 8»P Thin 8km EaRWuI SlerI c ir S~of othie members of the cast for thse Tiseta Upsilon 'Rio >lav -Ch ristmas Desîiy," preseusîed lest Supido-vaflertiao» in the auditorium of oc 1 the Wimette Met hodist church s chool. Tihe, Pla>, writtest by Dorofh.1 C. Allait, embodies api uusual story par1icularlv adapted b the holiday çeason. Those intihe photograph are: le!! bo rigIht, f rost row, lilliim Thsybony; Bteverly Thybony, Ted Jlosking; bock row, A-lbe'rt .frkermaaitts, A'rmait Jor- ipri.», director, and Bett, imue CoIlins. I d Year in Clash JWitb Notre Dam 1- " ()rthwcstern and Notre Dame w Ilr~us tlicir hecated basketbatll rivali -at the -animal New Year's Eve e couiner at Patten gymniasium. y-The gante wilI be the second e the season between the two tearm Ubrstian Science Charches ye to South ctra- y'ears com- rn s no r ish were victori ne. If any Injuip shall know With a teamc r it be of to key players, th( of myselif" perienced rougb three games, droi o ince1ii a *,-it,.,k..... led :11 the led by injuries idcats have ex- g in their last rclose contests Dame and But- of ns.. iermn-n