ON RBGULAR STOCK Owioratlbml.extenda tdu-oieghJisuar15 &IRE 1ELUX .PA]RR*Tý 1551 sirmn nAveu 0 Evaamat@as Fb. 5ph.. 5. uivwaII>'22«8 EVANSTON BUISINS LG guiAOCOUNWCOURUS, Ouar Employmnt Departoent lias frequSPt cails for trained office help. Ewing Gat3oway Photo 1New C -»e ieDlen v i .Winter psre$ in S % SW <40ndw 0U1 be *I'ictein Ithe iIIustraie4Jlectre iÀiih b't Trc<ie iget club e.~ J*d kci*2,-thn<e occ mon Holic letue twm wil e ,iautqfdSW4ses44uId. 1718 s1IF*I Aveu 'IeaiyS Florîat Suibmu The Swedish Travel uIformation M Starts Trck Southi Bureau, muc., anrnournces that its nalue I E Ths huad woaegigt has been çhanged. to Scandinavian-mME Thsetouadswo r gig OBaItic Travel Bureau, mnc. The f make a New Year's resolutiofi tO change has been occasioued by the avoid the rigors of our severe north- fact tIhat inasmuch as the business ern winter will find that the "Florida of the concern lbas always extended Sunbam"willbegn êly srvie ~throughout the Scandinaian and the Suileam wil bgin ail sevic toBaltic countries, it was advisable t0 the warnl sunshine of Florida on a correct aly uimpression that its ac- 1mos coWveniet date, january tivities are confined to SWedenl, The ~~in~-s~ ~b4 ca~si~ >a~conce'fl continues busiess mndr the this train i lmrflL e! fast service and saine managemeflt and pôQicieàas,'M a dir ct rotute to.Florida a'esorts on heretofoftp with heàê44uprtet% at 6»O the East cves* ad the Gut Catby. 1ifth'aveu, New York. 4oM b4»&e A wyof Uic sceni Imm 3#I0f . orag 4gWve, vl aeadd- NWYEA SEA spiafl rpal aioun e d c ne T itiont a lrninacdralea eve grate noib m diii seat. iclags ro e tra l ttoeChicgo: jointly rk Ceetrew York CentralMilwaukeeservice________________ Teanthe oya Paad Air Pne d navreail-oevl ra i way.Thi maks i Posibl forSun sotbbond pecil wll laveMil