jJ i..dbeowwI assure you of' rýfort tbroughout the-yar BR( Uew~ com. -fE S 9 HOUXl MADE FOOD PRODUCYS 71 DRAPIÉRIM AND SLIP CovEUI 380820 OPEN-FACED SANDWICHES MADE SLIP COVERS AND DRAPERIE LTK31ZGtp to order, $3.50 per 100. Cook les andi Ail types of fabrics may be bad. $a 1LT31-6tpcandied orange Peel Mrs. Kennedy, factory work and reasonable prio OO orthbi'<ok 205R1. 39L34-Itp Brandit Uphols3terîng (-o. 715 Rj ed $10PER LAUNDRY 73 SUWINS MACHINEmmPAINe 1. aglundt, LAUNDRY $1 E X P E R T GUARANTEEDA LTN32-4tp CALL FOR AND DELIVER Justing. Ail makes. Aise repairinl rjCE AALLA HAND WORK cleaning. Reconditloning machinies, laners andi Sest N. S. Refer. Winnetka 869 up. Buy & exchg. Milien Hard*a Es.53L34-Itp Wilmette30. 73LTNr34-J 71?! S 7 17 7U5.E5VICE S ~ l Up. t±e( efore 8 a, ILOST: WRITE A GRAMITTEN IDec. 23, 1:30 p. mi. DropPed fromn >I car at Wiimette State bank. Calli lVjî- Jmette 3824. 3LTi\34.ltp 4 PERSONAI. Lady driving to Miami wlshes:.2 ladies or couple for expenses. Ist <or 2nd week iln Jan. Write B44. Dox .50. Wil- * mette, 111. 4L34 Itp atis- 4-A * C C E ces. NEW AND USEI) BICYCLES ANDy dge, VELOCIPEDES. E. C. BAILEY, 1901 -4p NIRCli ST. OPPOSITE EVANSTON -HIGE SCIIOOL. UNIVERSITY 6147. I4A-tTN31--4tp AD- ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - $8 yOLT1Gj GREAT DAllE, MALE, lPAWN are. 'iolor. Forced to sacrific*e ; ran~b -5tp This dog has never been in a kiennel: fanîlly p1t.. Sunnyside 10263. I 3 -t Gel NIE fIP¶' IS pOlýafi .Upy lautiful. Ipedlgr-eod, ma itý -I pKenilworth, 4726. i. ÎU5 FO kALE: COCKER~ SPANIEL CO1 panions, two red, 6 mo. old. i .black 2tp !) mo., over distemper, champion biood = Une, home raised. 260 Mary St. C-lenco)e. Giencoe 1165. ______il LT14- It p -GERtMÀN-SnkEPHÈRD PÉPS, COCK. ick er pups and one feniale dachshund a-puppy. Aiso grown dogs, several res 86. Allizisbreed n as yré. Broken book THE' ( r1T us _RI ULNOCTIRt PHONE1