biouse tor ab)out fiftv of ilheir fricnds. That saine nielht Miss ,Ivcrqoin left, IPortrait Presentafioný SOccasion cf .Open House . .Toloif Phgoo i'I enaqeentof Miss Jouit ÎOUS tleluoii"ced Supiduai aa. coCi(- ail /'arty at lthe litar k. Siftir 11ilu;i'. 27 Irsetaeu.I n I,'k. 1!r. aid Ilfrs."Sttter pri- sen~ted their dauqhter ta Society t< yéeIrs aIo, foIIouipii' ilier qradi#ationi frouitheJErskine school ini Posteent. -S*kr is a mrielew i he e r e-4wI fier fianîcé. the son ni Air. apid Mrs. IIii aDJ. Tritesdale of 5M0 .rbor Itac11 road, Jf'inaietka, 'is a yrad- liale of Purd!.e s.iversitv, No date h<,xhec»sf't fa'r t~eddin -l'lie ïrs,itatnn otÇ) a p'lrtrait of the h<>t,%paitited hy H ubert Ropp was the 4pccas'îîî «If the . open bouse Sunday. januarv 2. hy, %I r. ad r.Jamies J. (aîlircu ai t their borne,. 124 ILocker- Ii' ue. ilmetefur more.than one- litzwudred of ýtheir iriendç. Pourine dur- ing, the tea hours were Mirs. W. K. %Vannier, MNrs. Walter J. Cope, -and Mrs. D~onald1 Sorenison. lisa si iie. The artist is Chicago Art insý in Lake Forest. Music and Lecture Mrs. Hopkins Entertoins Pr sbyteran Progri o to clieer you up when th'e temperature' goes. downl fm$9.95 in Our Clearance .Sale The. Sports Shop 976 Lnden Ave.ue were : Peter. L Betty Lou 1 joeann iSavap Mary Joeainn Mary Louise tricia Diekeni art in the program.......s.a.tMl. -. «, - iv, Joeann Lindsay, J, T. Boz' %viI1 sing. Sewing ini the i. Mry rab1)e moring wilI bc ini charge of Spokes 1, Mary Bratfrd Sveui<i dTei, .and lunicheon Nvilil 4 ,e, ~ ~ (,i*( AniIarnc.sre y Spoke Six. All wonmCn and Royce Rowe. Pa- t hit(. fte edi carc invited ti) be Bettv Riser. Xir-lrst Audry Lawrence. A new,.service tliat hms put joy back into living-support- ed by the following reliable companies and persons: ýbSUgtrie nosress M 'le Brooks, Mrs.. Roc id Mrs. Franik Adams. Yos Need. nl-oon <Friday) at 2 oclock at NMrs. (;tl shome. 101<) Chestnltit avenue. Hubb.rçl Woods 11