neer Chicago clubwoma-n, civie leaderý end founder of' the Na- tioal Council of jewisb WVom- en, wiII be celebrated by the Chicago section of the National Couneil of Jewish Women on Monday, January 10, at a twelve> o'clock breakfast at the Stand- ard club. Mrs. . Solomon, v igcrouts and youthful despite ber years, will ke present to acknowledge the tribute thai witl lie paid ler-by the several hundred women who wili lie in attendance. Proensnent Chicago women- who have worked with Mrs. Solomon for several decades will describe briefly lier many philàn1ropkc life 'of Chicago' and the Carloès Photo ~im#om , Mrs. Mair defi u e fifNew, <On Nw à York ,first viçe-pmeident of the Na- at their hoine lu IfrIVnnetka, Mr. tional <Council of jewisé Woenen, will and Mrs. Arthur Warre'n Paykie bring gre«ings frosu the. National or- akzs<i>trced the enqafie,,ent of their xanization and will be the chief speaker dauqfhter, Frances Carolyn, f0 Kari at the general meeting that "If follow Vincent Rohien,. s<m of .My . and the breakfast. Mrs. Harry J. Idyerston, JIrs, C.. .1rth yr kohlepi (,f Rock- president'of the Chicago section, will ford.. in its foty-fiftb year, the al> Council of Jewish Womeni meibersWiu of over fortv-five with themeeting aa delection of u icers for the coming year takin place in the IHulIl House theate I.incheon will be served at I o'cloc in fthc Residence dining rooin.. Guests of honor will include li! uary10 One of thé artists. Miss Ann Mundy, a celebrated; pianist, grati- uateti from Vaàssar in 193Q Her re- cen apearances through Italy were met with such success that' she wvas called upon to give a comrmand> per- formanc~e in Naples for Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess * Marie Jose. Her debut ýat, Town Hall1,ini New York Deceniber 10.. this 'ycar,. and ber performance in Boston %vcre both haiied by a.udiefices'a.nd critics as outstanding successes. 1Also appearing on. the programn ivith Miss Mundy, will be the' ré- markable fiftéen-year-oId violinist, Francesco Zecchinoé, who %01 be ac-* coimpanied by an artist of note <quai to that of Miss Mundy and Zecchino, Cari Lamson of the Boston Sym- ph1inyflrehesWtra, aeompanisr for Fritz Kreisler for twenty-five years. A percentage of the receipts froni tickets sold through \Tassar alumnae %vill go toward the Chicago Vassar .~colrshp.Mrs. William E. UIi- inan of Chicago is lin charge of thlese tickets. The Chicago and North Shore Vas- ýar clubs will entertain at a luncheon ior 'Miss Mundy at 1 o'clock, Sattur- 3':30 PrUiLI4v atIL te i(-. J aîua-rv. 7-at the Chicago Colleg-e cilub', with . Mrs. Eleanor .verest Freer' as !speaker,. 'Mirs. Freer, %%hose -musical vork s ineltude ope ras, piano pieces, so ngs., and cliortuses, vil1 discu'ss Ihriefl't ,the su1ject, "Ilow a- Comnpo ser tions %vill lle sung )VMby Fe * wrsoprano.. A't Il o'clock Saturday uouig Ethel 1M. Colson Brazelton wVill discuss current, events and, %vit! re- viewý the following books: ' The Citadel," by A. J. Cronin. -The Rains Camfe," by'Louis Bromfield, andi Dan NNickeilden's '*The Runining c); the )eer." Ltincheon will foIIow NMrs. Brazelton's programi. _fss Frances Wliedô4i, why ~a~in the Orent during the remint bomb)ing of Shanghai, wilI bc the club's sptak- er Tuesday evening, January IL. lier experiences there will be relateti bv this author and trav~eler. Dinner is tor be served at 6:30, with issl*;1 WVhedon as the club's gue.t. The College Clutb Players ivill gath- cir at 8 o'clock WVednesday evviiing, January 12, to discuss a prograin i .or Fýebr,12rv and 211 rnetnbers -ntùrc".tcA - tfamilies ilvivew the L ,uvcr.ity of -~ Chicago Campus News reel, anl up. to-date review of campu'i Ihic, and a. complete fashion show in imIl color, witlh campus models. l'le narration is by John B. \\hIid(len.jIr.. technical S director of the Campus Ncws reel. mnan, WILMETTE LIFE