triuay> j aiu.' -Y ii1beUscd to pay remaining, debt on the .monument erected by 1Inoi DA.R'sto Abrahai Lincoin in. Lincoln. Mernorial park at the spot where he'-first stepped on this state's soil after crossiflg the,.W abash river f romi1 Vincenaes, mnd. most -of thie money bas been raised, The remnaiider had been volunteered by a frietnd of the D. A. R., but ber; sudden death cut off ber belp.. i Th% performance will be giveën by a professional cast and %vill ýbe di- ,rected by- Garrett .1.Leverton, ýdi- rector of Northwvesteril university theater. It will bc given under tbe auspices of a civic comnittee to bene.- fiCiago haii4es. The play was written by Herma Clark and Alice Gerstenberg. It opens in the old Tremnont house, the mid- de-west's most fashionable botel ini 1858. The scene of. the first act is on she has traind at Arden Shore. The ncw, board for. 1938 will be announced; o, at the meeting. Luncheon reservations ior aIl mem- b-ýers ,of the Wilmnette comnmittee are t0 be mnade ivith the ch airman, Mrs. Rov, R. Ma-.rquardlt of-218 Wohieavenue. Bridge Tee IS Proeot of Alpha Phi- Mother Thei Alphla Phi MIothers' club is giving a 'bridge tea january 13, at J 1 o'clock at the Chapter hous'e, 70,1 UiliveurNity place, Evanlstoni.* Mrs WViliam Giregory oi Chicago is presi- dent oi the group; Mrs. S. E. Lingle of- IEvailst 1on, clxairmaàn; Ifris.C ,harles E. Gainhill of Oak Park, vice-chair- mnati; Nrs. R. *Whitley of Evanston. soilchairnian; Mrs. .» .Oa f Evanstonl, publicity and tickets chair- tnan, with Mirs. R. E. 'Weeks, co- chairnian; Mrs. R. L. Tudor of Ken - ilworth. and Nirs. E. A. Badger and M-rs. W. N. Waidnerý of MVinette, pr.izes; Mrs. Frank Gries of Glcncoe and M\rz. F. G. Hipp of Wilrnette. in charge of table andI chairs. tions trom our new collectionl o f it dresses priced from $ 12.75 to $29.75, which inchsdes Ôone, twoamind three-piéee Ostumes. Separafe coats to match priced from $9»75. 74 Ehurch Street q by mrs1. t»ronnib~n i ftickets for Fort Dear- MNi>s Phylis Hollands-gave an egg- ind the vicinitv of its ilog partv and hceld open hiotse for ig for charitabl]e pir- lier friends Sunday af'terniooui, and s are free of ta\. Ihler parents,. Dr. and Nirs. Augustus Illland-, of 107 Robsart road. Keil- ilworthi, leld 0openl house Friday afternioou. NMiss Hollands left Tues- day for Washington, D. C., w here. Next Meeing sh' iselirolîcd at ,Fairinont ,'Junior college. Shie is planning to goto the iskGskia D.A.R. \Vest hiclies in April, for lier spring off uUtMII4US 1 road, and Mrs. Jackson avenue, I of the State of New VOI lection of Bartlett prinits. Bvaust.m a wi I