Vf fenaîng champion, nais neen a nieluer of the Chicago inter-city teant for,. sev eral vears and hnlds a -nuniber of chani- îionships ini addition to beinr the ninth national' ranking men'q singles. player. Hi% younger brother, Gordon, lias made a setisational rise in table tennis. Otily two years out of the boys divis ion. lie miade the Chicago inter-city team, which returned this week from the national iiter-city matches at St. Louis. The leadiniz contender from the ranks of New Trier stuilents apnëars to be Carl Mayer of Wfimette. Mayer wvon the last week's round-robin at the North Shore club. deféatinu Moorer of Glencoe in -the play-off, indicating that lie will be in good formn for the tourna- mcs hsii-s tîtç inçlde AI Kwi' of Winnetka. holder of geveral tourna- ¶ ~~ment titles, Gordon Wells <of Wilmette. j<p~tSao'~tie y..C cemiu*J. ýnree time runner-up for the NorthTh-poo bvtkkby-LG.ck#iaiJ,, > Shore, champl<>nçhips, andi Carlton shoiv a group of Ne7c Trier H.igh school shideeits a,îd * Prouty. former national doubles chani- thrir guesis cijoyiPng a Chrismias holiday party, at the' pion.'-'~Da Aragon klallroorn, iii Chico go. Upper lefi, iMiss Mfarci Western suburFUVIIIntri I.8Miilu uat/ <idDadnD/m; i r0ener'MssK Mfabee, well-knwon tournament and ex- 9SiihwdGrotB>iil iprrneMs a hibition tlayer, and Carl Breutiier, semi- L.ittleflcdd <id Johîî i s u;îqper right, Miss l.îîc3 fane finalists ini this year's Illinois state fieniQ:- <e tnid Percy dcTaimble. Loige, lefi, Robert E-Dhmer, bership tournament. e lrti One <of the most interesting division, sMrjrtfosiq iis abriRpclo.r whic inliidç ascore of rintries ifron uNiirmtenberg Stave"s Childr en s P a v Announe Subjeot for, Ma rtha, Gellhorn, Woman WMiter, at N. C . .Ian. 27 Baha'i Lecture Sunday WIISek nSaiP afr tMi-.$'nClaratBelen scol rof te oN-' s the, subject of a discour se to be tinnal 'olleze of Fducatioil. aiîoiunces'l given by Carl SchefiRer of EvanstonLetr oB GinJa.2t 1bthBr Mw legcubfC on .january -16--at 3:30 o'clock in Lctre eD GvnIo.2 t-yhern awÇîegcuofh