A tropta laInd wI mer.0 ý ,,ýift relax7055KbI th aatb-gIviflg WrItO or Wlre <o I4AEIN &CO. *eSN UsoS LoOu Bw V. Port LauderdaiePlia. thepat fw ays, that to ea.se thieir tburden and aiSo togive the .winter spobrtý lover-a quick picture of al, ,thie -skiiiwj areas , the North Western has set, upb big.bullton board ini its Chicago st;tti-v w here a daii y "box scor e" of thte ativr. is posted. This "boxç score" covers 14 'litertuý areas, enbracing those adjacent t. Chi çag, atid as ;far west as Sun V l~ Idahlo. Each. mornung at 8oc'.kt temperature preva!ling in each area. tlit d(eith of the stow. the quality of siij and the nature o>f the weathier. .Ckudv ,r ,clear, is posted. Trhe areas taken inIi h the *iio) sco r are 'as foilows: Asbland. Ais.. Devil, Lake, Wis.. Duluth. Min.. Eagle River. W'is., lsbpemning. Mid.. Lac du Flaiim beau. Wis., 1LaCrosse. MWis.. Lake 1Dvl] tun. Ais., Lake Geneva. AV i Pel,.. Ris.t 4miao'.kv, Wis., SuuX~Ih. Idahio. Wausau, Xis.. and\i lijatns Ba'l;iN Ais. Ail the W'isconsin arrfas are ser% t.' by Chicago and North Western w ii special week-end ail expeilst. inC spoirts trips. Golfers Ready for Jawit to Florida On Tniiàr l20 t 9:4.; lun.. P, q-- Patronize Our Aduertises I Mr. aj'd Mss. P-hili> ". fyroies of1 Flamrtngo hotel, Miomei Beach, Fia., where the f mewtte, p>holograpi>Jud ûi have bees .tending a tuar' IThe Chicago District Gouting1i t/e edorsed by the Chicago District ; i association and -maany of the lamwrX tb,_officiais, including: A. W. Haie. iiiusi- 1 dent; M. G. Fessenden, vice-presidvflt Goode ElImer Eulass, secretary; E. A. D ln treasurer; Walter Leininger, forncr ~jpresident; and Joe Davis, dean of l. ts. oïl id clas,