with qualiied c nakers (adlmnstrative officerýs. salaried representative. or wel' informed atunnî'> the »n.ç;hilitieq uI advantages 'of their particular schooilî Representatives wlII e su 'uîli<ed witi printed fmaterial to stpplemient the di- Studenîts who are definite intir col- lege selection.. wil ais'> henefit f roi the xhiit:manv couestions arefo ul atS,%eried iii. collesrec atalo gue. and more personal qutestions wiII, lie easily anisweréd bei-v. the stludents 'in chiarge Parents were espec.ially urge to at- trnd as it is iiiwrtanit that tbev lie wvelt * nforaned, of the present day cobllege problems of their clbildr'eiî. lit persoual * ctisiferenrces field during the schoôl day, parents arecusually uiot able to attend. 4uvai ýsuch welt rur- mest grup5 ineI IIUEUJanl- ated the demnand by ordering in oce of 'Publication the works of well knownplaywrighis as. Max- Anderson, S., N.: Behrman, 1437 Edgewood Jane, J1 Bryrn Mawr coflege: Mi! 999 Lake Shore driVei- Carleton college: D Van Riper, 110 South Chicago. Carroll college Carroll college, Waukeg unIversity: George Wi gale umlversity, Hailit unlverslty- P. A. Cus Central *avenue, Wilmi college: L..ouis E. Levei Ashiand avenue, Chical verslte,: Ellwvood J. B( Central avenue, Chicag versity: Robert H. f leuè. rone, fto. , fl d Woods. e ReQua, mn ýstreet. n Welnke:, s. Colgate, jr., Col- Y. Corneli mlnth, 431 iartmouth 841 South lion uni- 53 North 'auw, uni- DePauw rake uni- johnauon. ThC Aa VicaTcatre ase Scei bIta 'Critica, 1752-193.11-Mornes. A vlvkl Picture of the Ameérican seene, ln a sertes-of first-hand reviews.- ThIe Theater M. ia*etjiigfg E#rpe--Dlck" Ilison. 'New, movements, rlngj play- *writhtu and 'Important, produetiona dIscussed by authorIties. Dia«oeri>ig thc D)*amo-Drew.. An aleri anialyste of the arrogance of thé the»a- ter lu contrast to draina. New PI.ys .4tarwayosa-Ander8on. .4 rpldtrua38-Behrman. To Qatdto <nid Jork-liechi. 1Wi Ratier be RigFt-Kaufijnai. Tor-arleh-Deval. 09 latereat to PIsYgiier .4ri of PlajggoUtg, by John Mason Brown. Ail phases of'the tht-ater-plotu dialogr acting, methode-are dluuisad wltli the Idea, of maklng theater-golng more lniteresting. 4ecet-ery Thces <id -Xoiv- Oenslager. Stimnulatlng ehapters by a Ieadlng stagedesigner on ueenery ofthbepastl 1 n a u Ha dbs *FLOOR SAMPLBS *DBMONSTRATORS alil t RBDUCBD PRICES MUSIC end RADIO 897 Uihae Iocated in Nboths, arratieed aiphalit hiall. During the as goiîg on iili ùt pictures will lbc -J P h.. Wfn.fka2050 Mle fin.sf nilut on. Al 'X ck La oxplain 0W Services. SOFFICE 8"Wo Ud.a Aveu»., WI.jm.ft lte, Billmc: r.Ruth CI