is W ednesday, Januarv 1M. for whieh the literature dePart- mient, the philanitbrop depart- ment, the home and education. department, andi the junior aux- iliary will present the program. A teacher, a representative of the Good-WiIl Industries, a prominent doctor. and a former member of the Royal Canadian * Mounted Police will he the speakers., Ai 10:45 o'clock 'the literature de- partmnent, under Pifrs. H. L. Ward's chairmanship, wilI present Miss Ma- rian Brubalcer. of~ the National Col. J-ry .I a t>oupt Lu 5 1l I p *re~> .- Sentedin icostûume, will be given for nenîbers -of the. Wom'an..% CatlIcClibiof.Wilnilette r[. dav afternoon of.this week at theWiltùette NWoman's club bv the fine arts departmenéft.,The chairtnanf of this, departineni, INrs. Edward: F. CU:iî nil skey, liasý written the playiet iwhich Shie and ber coininittee iv'il1 present. The members of the cast include M rs., Charlies A. Broad. Mrs. Cumniis-, keMrs. Thrmas P.Gibn.M. William WVolff. Mrs. George ýF. [.un- dy, Vrs. Frederick H. Mjalloy. MNrs. William J. FitzPatriek., and<l Mr,ý Francis X. Thale- Hostesses for the.tea iolIoviig the Progýar wiIl'be ?Mrs. Cliarles IL'. i.e. Mrs. Tiioras J. I,ucaq and Nrs; George H. Maloney. The .skit. ini pèriod style, tells a brief .storv of the history of qulit tions andi lista of bookcs for 'parents. Walter C. Loague of the Goodl- ffill Industries will talk at 1 1:45 o'clock under thbe sponsorship of Mrs. D. Porter Empfield, who is chairman of the philanthropy department. hopcd that a Iarze attendancv' present for the diverlinïz pla-v nienilers ,will present lfl Cos- atholic Action gr0up and(l te Wtis hour. Af ter the onte o [1hRv Fte Carrahine has fiadl Iz ide experience with Catholic stu - ,tdents in bis field, and is considcrcd a - verv able rneaker. He bas Iw.,in-~, WILMETTE LIFE>