marun route %-rwe b,rjet l oajn founlda tion, an active and à1truistic undertaking of the sorority. Mrs. P-ilph M. Strader,. of ia- ton, the district governor, will be present at tis time té relay district news, and' coniduct a discussion of proposed legislation to be acted upon a 1t thé coming. International Biennjial convention 'of Alpha Phi, 'hxch wl be held this next june in Pasadena. Mrs. Ralph D. Cushman. of Glencoe (Dorothy Bartholf) wiil act as host-' ess of the day's luncheon cornmittee, assisted by: ,Mrs.. B entoi Sanders. Mrs. Margaret'S. Pierson,, Mrs. Fred S. Rye, and Mrs. Frederick W. Merri- field of Wilmette; Mrs., W. Harry Weber, Mrs. Albert B. Moore, and MNrs. Frederick Hl. Bird of Winnetka; NMrs. Clifton H. Merry, Mrs. Bruce W. Thayer, M rs. Wjiflur Smith. of PEvalsto'n]; and MJrs. Charles P. Bark- er, of <lencoe. President of Muls to Be in Chicago _17The niany friends ofDr an aluin House jp for thec severali Amnericam Womien, f rom 1921 linterinatio f rom 1927 In Fehri are reduced to bilIe lM 15111H Na mas hfostesses wiU rs.j.. . Nson, Mrs. Rob, eut Gl, Bert iCochrani. Mus. J. Robb Harper, Mýfrs. W.-W. Penn- ilngton. and 'Mrs. james S. Shannon. Ns . H V. oreison. president. wili preside at the business session an .d tell Plans for a dance to be held on Fehriary Il..;at the Theta. bouse. Scheduled fo Gve Broadest on Frida y Mrs. Lenoir Ilood Miller, 106 Sixth street, is toý speak in a radio broad- Icast over- station WBBM ýat 12ý> o'clock noon Friday of thas week.- She will tell hDw to have children eat nourishing food without scolding I AUTO LfIC ENS E PLATES procured for you in 24 ýHOIURS Corne jad Le: Us serv o Notarial and Servoic harge 5ocpe t Stp>oe GamIEN RAY I£QAD and LAU AVENUE. WIWERTTî .o îUI b ie. irectUr ot the te nursery school. Sunshine p Vnn v ewas presýiaelt alid ciairmnat of the Relatio.ns cominnttee 704 Church St. rtservatins. Evansop MIDWINERCL Sh 70 Service Sfoffon $1375 $15ý5