ra ter Toop 2,which bas Harold Spiîie asscouttflasterf Troop 4. John Fo -r coutmastei;Troop 11, J iniy ,oît~ coutmaster; and .Pack 63. Rob- crt.A. jidgai,cubmÛaster.ý Ili Kèiilworth the awards go to Troop 13 and< Pack , 0, wbicbhave -hoth Bobi Tonl(e as scoutimaster and cuhmaster. T innetka the awards go. to Trooi) if), Chiartes Barnes.ý scoutniaster; Troôp) 18,B[titiKurtz, scoutnilaster; Troop-20. Loren Massey, scoutniaster. Ili (*;Ietncoe the awards go) to TrOOP 21. .hich. has john Emiricb as, scout- ilia>tter Troop 23. Paul Dysart, scout- * nastr. and Pack 32, which has Robert 3Ma' .uitas, cubniaster. Tlicto awards will he preseited at the anitai meeting of the -cou 1incil toe be l'h, triop rating plan of t1tu NIrthlý SIiîîro Area colincil for the foutrtlî itar-i ter eîîding Dccemiber 31, hias just' Ixrcli rlea>'-d. This rating- plani is hascdl on i (dI ii, cenint and rccruitiiig achie-ve- uîeîÇîs of eiery troop in the Coinlcil. "u Big TeI"n iter arc as fol - tr-,e)o 2.3 ci Glencoe. Pail 1Dy i rt ' scuiiiasertr<o>p 13 (À Keni\vîrth.ý B4) Toeinlv. scoîtînaster : troiop* 35 o f Rav'iîia.. John O'Connor, scoutinaster; t0 our long list of eag1es, namely, Frank Stecker. junior assistant scout- Obeying scout Iaw numlbe r three, wve are haàppy to contribute to.ý scout leadershîip to one :of the out st anding t Ops ne who b as been trainýed in Our tr oop front 'tenderfoot',to the higfli rank of cagle. WVe rejoice in the appointuient of Phillip Samuelson toll assistant scoutniaster nf Troop 2. Donald Vogt, Scout Scribe LEADERS', ASSOCIATION hwdé;fa\ cveing the L.eaders' asso- ciation oi tue Wý-ilniette Giirl Scouts Mul t ai llw ethodist FEpiscopal i aud te o iîwiiý, those for the spring. direction ot tubmaster RobetKW. Townley this Friday -eve ning, in the gymnasium. of the Joeph Sears sclîoolbegininng ,at 7:20 oclock.: the varicous dens'into which the pack is divided will present a handi- craît exhibit. before the meeting be- gins. Families and friends of* the Cubs, the junior Boy Scout ürganizatiofi which includes boys of ages 9. 10,1 and 1l, have been invited -te attend. Woman Is Injured When Car aind Taxi ColIide1 Sunlday .afternoon as Williami Ortb of Kenogha, Wis, was, driving east on Greenwood avenue, his car was struck by a Two 'One. cab driven ,nil onF revnth treet b 1w G Three New Lieutenants tWIurn11411i came to a sI I '("'1' firce' kfortunlate in lbaving Riding witl lhrv t I- t îwlieuteniants. wvith M rs.,-mtontbs-old kitli: d. vhio ithe leader. 'Mrs.one f h 11, owrs forinirly Nvit h Troop Klegg, ail ci I ou ii~ reurftl hs %%""ter ta b)el%%astaken tI Slict Uiijaint ith Troop Three. Mrs. îwpolice Stl S\t:niur ad Mrs. D. Cumnmings, ______ hflth iorier. Girl Scouts, have volun- ýaed east, lwere his ;Lucille of i4enosiia. ±Mr to the Evaniston ergeant Herman < s JANUA*Y CLEARAN CE, SALE Unusu'aI Merchancfise Unusud Prcesl Crece C. WeigI, Interor Furnshngi NINE-TI-IRTEEN LINDEN Hubbard Woods -WINNETKA f3350 Blf.AI Qutanhlusch. scotmaster :.siilp "Scot' organization is nf maximum 30ntI igladPark, Arthur Gieruey importanicc toon much praise cannot kipr:antI ship 20 of \Viintka. 11111 Jbe giveil to these niew voluinteers. Pv. kipper. CItARM 1107 BOYS JOIN E-Ner-v girl cati bc attractive, and Ili the' tcunicil in oie %,car just clo)se(' very girl cati bc Nell groomed, is 392 hiv, becarne. cubs. for the first tinie. the 'encouiragitig conviction of 1Hazel A new service that h»a put joy back into living--support- ed by the following reliable companios and persons:,