Hector Dodds. 720 Prairie avenue, left Saturday for New York on busi- niess. He will be away a week, anid onbis trip.east stopped lt Vooster, Objoo to visit bis daughter, Betty, who is ,a student at Wooster college. M r. and Mrs. Milton E' Parker adson, Brian, 116 Nintb streeti have just returned to Wilnette after speninigthe holidays on a ranch at Saltilo, exico. talKe care i present ceL I8çwui ""U"" for the -erection of approximatelyý 15- 000 dwellings exclusive of apartinents, an iimediate cash turn-over of >uù- wards of $125,000,000 and would give employment to more than 200,000 pen- sons, according to estînlates prepared by John Cumniings Lindop, head of the Oak Park real estate firm bearing. bis name. The figures -deat-e-- to the building needs of the present moment. lfundneds of additional bouses with corresponding cash outlays and con- tîniuous employment for thousands of men, would have to be enected for1 the next five or ten years, be declared. Mr. Lindop's estimates were pre- paned in connection with a study of the. national building noicture he bas startling proximity to the danger point. It is the highest figure of the kind since October, 1924. "In the suburbs, bouses bujîtt he frst eight months of this year hadý a total value of $13,579,884. This is a gratifying increase over the same perlod in 1936 when the bouses erected in the suburbs amounted to but $7,- 188,818 in value and coniprised only 785 units but the total for this year is stili far short of the actual need. ReliefLiad 1cvu"ad "The Chicago area's unemploynient situation i5 reflected in the nmber of families now 'on - relief. These totaled 84,619 in October of this year. Last year they were but 70,372. -The ini- crease of nearly 14,300, familles j;I testimonial to the great need for actvite hat mîll hinvtnwtifuî, wi genera] of the, was disltiuted, ot which thv 483 member savings,' building >andi ba associations and s'avings ýbantks in Illin0ois end Wisconsin receired $73 '- 645, 'and the stock owned by -the United States government earned $283,478. First Federal Savings and. Loan of Wilmette is a mierner asso-. ciation. Since the first ànntal. dividetîd .%.a distributed ini january,' 1934, the b)atik lias had an unbroken record of pay- ing 2 per cent on, its capital st ock,, and the govertiment stock, bas irettedl the United States Trcasury a, total of ý$l,094,731 in the se five p aymnentsýý. Tbrift and home. financing institii-, tions whicb arc the, borrowing customners of the batik have becti paid dividends totalling $229,525 dur- ing the saneperiod. Ratio of stock owtied by the 1ftstiY13tfb1Ts YÔihat owned by the governinment lias been increasing. during the past .ycar. 'Mr.. Gardner said. Lending operations whreby th i' branch of the Federal Home Loail batik systemn supplies reserve 1iiunds to local homne inancing institutions began in December, 1932. ln'tvrest rates on advances biave 'varied f rom 3 to 5 per cetnt and are nom, 3,' J-er cent, the next lowest in the Ili-lot, LI J. TUIALMAINN LANDSCAPING. Establishe4 20 Years ou North .Shore was for an residence at permit was . soi]. Costc $350. permit was itsiieUt01 ing the past w Iek t ditional rooni t-o tht, 2 Oxford noad. The ied to J. R. ivn tbeý improvelitt: i in. Ui te ast. 'ed to bis se, after. a ovo weeks' * tlI(131- r