preferred. Références exchanged. Wi- mette 143. 1 11OILTN36-t» SUNNY, C 0MIP UOR A 13L E ROOM, prIvate bath'. SmalI talnfly. Near transportation and schools Garage. Glencoe 1105. 116LTN36-ltp ROOM FOR RENT FOR 1 OR 2. NEA1I TRANSPORTATION. 860 PINE STREET. WINNICTKA 3423. 116L36-Itp 2 Furnishcd. Roomns FOR LIGIIT HOUSBEKEEPING. 1229 Mape, Wlmette 4207 116LTN36ltp WARM COZY ROOM.' 8901 Vernon Avenue. Gleflcoe 1279. 116L364ltI green P flanig$. .01I for h»e. and, hot water-very economical. Weather strip- pn.too. Available nw$8 a mno. BAUMANNý-COOK EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, 553 Lincoln Ave.. Wlnnetka Wlnn. 3450 133L17N38-1te IDEAL WINN19TKA IREsIDLPNM---3 ,tory brick on double corner lot, 1324 Scott Ave. 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, break- fast and:billard rooms, 4 sun-parlors, 2 firepflaces; 2-car brick gar. Near trans- por. and schools Will rent furn. or- unfuru. or willI sed, reasonable terme. Owner's phone, Winnetka. 663 or'Rau- dolph 6019. 133LTN36-Itc LOVELY. 7 RM. HOUSE. 2'%BATHSi breakfastnook, pI:orch. 011 heat.-Near Hubbard. Woods school and transp., Furu. or unfurn. Wlnnetka 269. ROO0M, MODERN 2 STORY BRICK -1 : 1 TER 1605 Chîcago Ave, Evanston Greenleaf 33 Sheidrake 3030 147LTN3-t(e TO THIE FAMILY SEEKINO distinction ln location andar chitecturaI design, we sugg est a solid brick Colonial of 8 *rooms. 3% bath&. One ut Kenil-w worths lovellest homes, neyer olTered before. 139,500. TO. THE FAMILY SEEKING Kenilworth's advantages with a *moderate budget, we suggest an attractive 7 rm. home that, e an be, bought with $1,500 down, ]balance, $105 a month. Inéluding interest., INC. 58 "LltîeolhAré > i4tetka 177~ 147LTN36-ite The flouse of the MIolth ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM CLAP- board Colonial with two miodery baths on the second tloor and three large. bedroomes. This property bas been radieally *ediiced ii n riee ln [tC -800 1*1 147LTS'36-lte- -ON WILMETTES FI NESTe Street, 1% blks. to lake. Owner Io in California. and wili make real sacrifice for immediate sale -4. bedroomta. 2 baths, heated munroom, sleeping porch, den. Lot 62x170. See this and make offer. SHORF T>IOWNS. REALTY CORP. 1603 ('hieago Avenue, Evanston G re. 2700ý Rog. 11%. 6636, Vil. 608 147LTN36-ltc. .MAI4I4HOUSS, C.LENVIEW LIVING ROOM; KITCH EýN; 2 porches; 2 bedroo)ms; bath, tile.flooréd; f ull basemnent; hot rage. L ot 48xl75. Price $5,000. Kitchen; breakfast 1no.ok; Ji- ing- roorn. 2 corner bedroomas; bath ; gasi hot water heat; 2-car garage. Lot. 90x200. Price $4,250. XVYATT& CMONS Wa uttkegain Ioad Glenview 81 l47LTN36)-lt.- A REý'Al., UY EIGHT ROOM. HOUTSE ON .a 'ide deep wooded lot 90xI90-2'ý baths--1/ mile fromn the lake-e4lose to golf cours, setinols and tro4nsýPortati<on. P r itce NV. C. RIJGGilEPý & C(). Exedusive Agents -17 Dav~is Street, Evanstoîi Uni. 6886 HolI. 688f; Mil. 1660 azd hetdsunI -car garage. Lot Souîthieast Xinnetka value at $30,000. JUST ABOUT THE MOST VALUE for $12,750 we have ev'er offered. Con.- LI Agelicy sider these points: 7 roonis, 2 baths and Cit, 44 anston 229 oTN36-lte