irst as follov w. T..T....... .T. 8.............a ..o..............2 M.1I. ..........i L o i 2 s 4 5 Pet. .000 .800 .600 .400 :200 .000 -The Uknow five showed, their su- pemacy in the "C" basketbàll league again by trouncing tbe Demïons,_35 EVANSiON MDMY R FIN AR £VjERYPUOS x oLLleUW A DREADFUL SCOURGE ÉlyD. S. Lyma Lyma*mPhamii The most dreadful seourge of- childhood was dipbtheria. It took thousandsin their tender years, often killing, sometimes paralyz- ing temporarily, sometimes leaving a lifelong heart weakness. Medical science bas defeated this enemyv of childhood. It is now possible to prevent diphtheria. Toxin-anti-toxin is the safe,' sure preventive. and to -make double Ridge Kuniners, 44 to 29, in a gailie that started out close, but after los- ing two men on fouis, the Ridge boys were badly handicapped and could not bôld their own. TheTerriers caine out on top in a .-33 to 29 tilt with the Wacker A. C. Dick Brandt, Terrier forwaàrd led bis teami in scoring, making seven bas- kets and a free throw to account for~ 15 'of bis teains points. The ýGroucho tegnm took the lead ini the second round in the "E" bas- kethail league by defeating the 'Caco- nxo, 36 to. 26t. Tbough Bill Cloud s cored 13 points for the Cacomo to lead the scorers, lie did not have enough scoring help from bis'team- mates to take the gaine. .With the sharp shooting of Bob Miller and Squeak, Palenske,. the Super Stars were able to bounce the W. W. L., 33 to 21. This game pusb- ed the Walther boys into sole pos- session fl llte cellar pirstiona. The Minus dropped a 13 to 14 gaine to the Imps. Joe Welter, by scoririg 10 points for the Imps, proved him- self the star of the gaine, and high point man. O"i'Leagu Standings Teaju W L Pet. Uknow.......... .... .2 0 1.000 Flashes ............... 2 0 1.000 Ridge Runners ......... . 1 i1 .500 Terriers .... ........... 1 1.500o Bernons........... ...-.0 2 .000 Wackér A. C ...........0 2 .000. "E» Leagu. Stanidings Team W L Pet. (Jrosclho............. 2 O 1.00 cacomo.........I I .500> Minus............. 11 i .500 Super Stars .... 1 1io.50 Imps ....i.. .i. 1 1 .500 W. W. L . .. .. .. 0 2 .000 "D" LEAGUE The Willies in the "D" league. are still in a tie for first place througb the handy work of C. Gregory who scored 10 baskets from the floor and two free throws for a total of 22 points whicb was a big help to bis team when they defeatecl the Con- Shall 1, should I, zill I, would I, Flirt a bit with you? Doni': knou,,-you'Il have ta cone Aud >'ind out if I do. The girls entered in the' Wilmette Playground and Recreation board basketball league .are very busy prepar- ing, for their Valentine dance, "-Cupid's Swing"Il to, be held Friday--FebrIary 18 at 8:30 pan. at the Stolp Sclxool gym. The ticketsfor thé,danice are being sold by the girls on the, ticket commit tee,. you ma y also purchase a ticket from the Recreation office-9l4 Central, ave- nue, and at thecommunity center, XVI- mette.avenue and Ridge road. Beatrice Leal is chairman of the fol- lowing committees Publicity-Betty Huck, Lolb Hili-P inger,' Betty Marsh. Ticket - Evelyn. Herbon, Beatrice Lé-al, Gloria Ketchum., Decoration - Mary .jane. Willinis,'. Sister Hall,'Lois Hul.11 Tryont#s for A#u#oeur Contest. to Be Held This Friday Rvening The second annual amateur contest sponsored by the Wilmette Playgrounid and Recreation board will be held on Thursday evening, Eebruary 10, at the, Howard school auditorium. The event last year wa.s a huge suc- cess and by aIl advance information this -er's performance will top last year's show. Already a large numaber of talented amateurs have registered for auditions which will be held at the Comrnunity Center tonaorrow evening (Friday 8 Handsome awards will be given by the Recreation Board. .Anyone can still enter by appearing for the trials'on Friday at the center. pace with the league leaders andde- f eated the Alumni, 34 to 23. 'The Aluinni scored only four points i the first baîf. The teamn standing as of January 26 is as follows: 'A"- League Standings Teani W L pet. murphy's Lodge ....5 1 .8331 Wilraette Côufectionery .. .4 2 .6671 to which aIl cit- izens of the vil- '~lage bave been ini- vited, ilws.a- noirnced yesterday by jamnies Ryan McCue, command- er of the,'post. Under the ýdirec- tion of Past Com- mander Carl AI- frPeterson, chairman' of the national d e f c n se. committee of . te seventh district, a J. . MC.e complete report is to be made to members, inte.rested ,civic leaders, and other ivillagers, of the protective measures being taken by the. national government to* enable the United, States to continue peaceful with- out fear of aggressive powers. Autii-Aireraft Weapons Captain George Cooper of Evanstonl will speak oný aircraft and aniti-aircraft imiprôvements now ini effect and con- templated. '*Cap>tain Cooper, one of the youngest men of bis rank now actively connelcted with the anti-aircraf t service, iï a keen student of bis branch of the. service and an excellent speaker,"ý Comnmander, MiccCue declared. Groumnd Forces Lieutenant Burton H. Doherty, mncn- ber of the Illinois National Guard, wvill report on current and contenjplate 'd improvernents, in army ground forces. ."Lieutenant Dohert has made an en- viable record as a polo player anid jumper with the 124th field artillery. He is well infornaed on his subject .and ,Weil equipped to, make an interesting report," the post commander added. Naval Activity Mr. Peterson, commanding officer of. tbe 26tb division of the UTnited States 1nia.val* reserve, Chicago, and associated with Captain Edward A. Evers, com- mander of the naval reserve forces in. Illinois, will givé a report on Navy activity. "His talk will be . particularly, in- t.eresting because of bis familiarity with the subject and the pending activity 110w before congress ," was' Mr. Mc- Red Devils camé out of their parts of Chic. game losing streak and defeat- invited. Irhey eRovers in a close gaine, 27 companied by p or in groupe fr Wilmnette ., onfect1oners kept centers., No tic JI---'JY-1. :wo sbowings of the ay, one at 10 a. m. Children f rom al ýo and suburbs are ay corne alone, ac- rents or other adults n scbools and other :ets are required Mr. and Mrs., J. W. Leathers, Jr., anad their daughters, Jane and Jac- queline, came to Wilrnette two weeks ago f rom Evanston. They have pur- cbased the bouse ati1511 Walnut ave- nue. H. J. Skewes, who . occupied the bouse until recently, bas gone to, Trexas.>