ty reading of Atin Birk ,which will be given Lfternoon, February 7, WiII ê ~ien i Mayplay-of-the-year in New York this boar an dirctos'.season. The - iew Wor n drcos Xritten by.Rachel Crothers, "Su-: of the Mary Crane Nursery san and God& bas apparentlyfound league installed at the annual the recipe for box office success that mneeting at Hull, House on jan.. portends another record breaker «in 9. the theatrical wold. Mrs. Crother's uary 10, are announced this latest play*is high comedy, whicb at week,, together with. the fact ail, times escapes crossing the bor- that plans are now being made derline into farce.. for the annual card, party to be Ss*,plydb Grrd aw- heldthefirstweek in May. > rence in its present production at the heldthePlymouth theater in NeW York, is a Mrs. W. Van D. Gýatbany is presi- young wom an who. bas become in-. dent; Mrs. Clive -Bishop is first vice- terestediýn a new cuit which is being president.; Mrs-. Henry Clijgman, sec- offered by anl Englishwornan of title ond vice-president; Mrs., S. W. to belp better a world sadiy in need Storey, third vice-president-; Mrs.. of betternient. Susan's efforts to .Harold Cunliff, secretary; Mrs. Paul spread, this doctrine, and ber applica- R. Thomas, Jr., treasurer. tion of its teachings to ber oWnpar- Among other menbr fth o ticular problem makes a' most unusual ing year's board, 'are Mrs. Robert play, and one whose amusing situ- Spaetb, chairmani of purchasing for atin s are entirely -novel., the Nursery school; 'Mrs. Bfruce "Susa~n and God"ý shoirld mak'e good Brown, chairman of sewing for th e reading, and it is the type of theater schol;Mrs Frderck.Orsr, voln-wbich finds Mrs. Kuper at ber best. teer service chairman; -Mrs. Robert Tecsoayamsinfe~ilb Fë llingham, chai1 rman ý f revisions, charged, for the play reading wh71icbi Mrs.Herert Zif, haimanof um'wuil take place as usual at the North mrgesalerertZipdcar manG.D.f rum- Shore Congregation Israel in Glen- mage sy as; an . G .Tes coe ,and tea will be served at the publcitychaîman.conclusion of Mrs. Kuper's perform- The chairman of the different cbap- ance. TIhe general public is invited ters affiliated witb the league will to attend, and it is suggested tbat also serve on the board, and these the audience be in the lounige prompt- are : Mrs. John Reichert, Jane Ad- ly at 2:15. -M. C. L. dams group; Mrs. J. $.. Strong, Myra Lane chapter; Mrs. Ambrose Wech- selberger, Nina Kenagy chapter;KA Mrs. Frank Bryon, Kenilworth chap.- IVotflrs Meeting ter; Mrs. M. F. O'Donovan, Edna The Mother's club of St. joseph Dean Baker chapter; Mrs. H. S. scbool will meet Frîday, February 4,1 Kingwill, Clara Belle Baker, chapter; at 8 o'clock in the evening at the Mrs. Richard Koenig, Edgewater school 'hall. Beach chapter. In addition, others on the board, thig year are: Mrs. William Haddad, Reviews Events Mrs. Robert Tarrant, Mrs. J. Edgar. Lee,. Mrs. Burt J. Denman, Mrs. A. W.' Peake, Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs. William M. McNamee, Mrs. H. R. Taecker, Mrs. Benjamin Fleer, t1 Mrs. Lewis Ellis, Miss Clara Belle n .,J 'LE!...K: TWA-1 -%- -D - 1eGueldre Photo Sam Campbell zviIl brin g his renarkable motion pictitres of for-' est: and forest creaturê's, ilî naturai color, to illust rate his talk,,. "The Great 'Secret," an unusual lecture onl nature and philosophy, which lihe will presenit for the Neighbors of Keniilwéorth Tuesday afternoon, February 8, in the Kenilworth As:- senbly hall, at 2:30 o'clock. Kenilworth League of Women Voters lo Meet The regular montbly meeting of tbe Kenilworth League of* Wornen Voters will be held on Thursday,. February 10, at the Kenilworth Ab- sembly hall. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Olin, presi- dent of the league, will speak brieftv on "The Construction of Govern- ment, Local and State, in 111111oiS." Mýrs. S. R. Logan of Winnetka, the speaker of tbe afternoon, will talk on ."Cooperatives.*" Mus. Logan graduated ini 1921 f rom the University of Wisconsin, in .the department of social science. She is Mrs. Gathany President of -Nursery League for Which Card Party made, witn the grand Laura McDaniels o avenue. chlurch t OfU at 10:30 oc~ the four W 'Pebruary uni Woman's gui nesday, I'ebruary 2, ,k. He j: :pealdng iesday mornings' iit the aus~pices of the o! the churck. and Mrs. mittee. M. chairman.. h. 'l'aleg ïs cnairman of the day, withi Mrs. Frank *Mrs. -Davidl P. Moreton, es Freentan, Mrs. Fred- ýMiss Frances Goodbue, Louis Becker on lier com- rs. Percy Idler is luncheon, of their niece, Miss Joyce Brinkman, who, makes lier homne with bher aunt. Miss Brinkmian was graduated Wed- nesdgy froni New Trier Higb shool, and the guests will be a group of ber, friend--nd .so9me of the New' Trier faculty'-menib ers. WILMETTE LIFE. Sam Campbelli "Philosopher of the Forest,"' to Gve Unusual Illustrated Program *"The Great Secret" is the titie of Sarn Camipbell's lecture to be ivnat the February 8 meeting of th'e Neiglibors of Keniworth at 2,:30 li-i the 'Assemblv,'hall. The afternoon i s.iii charge:of the -(lepartment .of home.. and. education, with1 Mrs.. A. Pet- erson its chairman. Mr. Camipbell is called ..The Philosopher -of. the Forest"" This his new lecture, is an unusal talk on, nature and philosophy, illustrated' by remarkable motion pictures of forests and forest creatures, in natural color. There is a legend to the effect that a visitor to the Sanctuary of Wegi- mmnd, northwoods *home~ of Sam Campbell, once said to the lecturer: "YQu seem to have found, something in nature which endears ail the creatures to yoi*, and you to them; something in mankind. that makes everyone love you; something in life that- lifts you above the ,f railties> wbich destroy the peace ,of most o thers,' and leaves -you permanently poised in obvious contentment. Mr. -Campbell, what is your secret?" lIu' answer to this query cones this lec- ture, "The Great Secret." No one who hears. him give. this' talk wiIl ever forget its inspiration. There is humor and. instruction in it, but m~ore important stili, a depth of thouglit that lifts ail to a higher .plane of living,,and keeps them there. It brings forth the, soul of, this lovable character, the: club a41nounces. Five years ago .Mr. Campbell en- tered the lecture. field; .bis 'neteoric, rise is outstanding. Having. spent most of bis Mie in the north woods of Wisconsin, Michigan,'.Minnesota, and Canada, be knows. nature as f ew do, and lias been referred to as "o day's greatest defender of wild if e." He brinus ewn)its sO