and Mrs. W. K. Yates. The program is in charge of Mrs. A. V. Grulin, a- member of the pro- gramn committee of which Mrs. W. A. Kendrick is chairman. "Let's Make A Scrap Book" is the appropriate titie of the prograin, asMrs. Gruhn WiIl lead a discussion*and reading of clipigson garden subjects which the members of'.the club 'have.sent in, the best of which will find a -place in ..a new clipping scra.p book on gardening. There will: be- prizes awarded those sending in the -Most worthwhile lippings. The Wihnette Garden club lias kept a publicity scrap book f rom' the be- ginning.1 Thisý scrap book, begun by 'Mrs. B. L. Davis at whose home, the club was organized in July, 1922, lias been kept up to date by the different presidentg of the club and is a book of great interest to the membrs-. cspecally the early members.' It is understood that. this scrap book -will be brought te, the meeting Friday by Mrs. J'. Benton S<caub, the eltlb's librarian and custodian. For a num- ber of years the club had an article on gardening each week, in WitmETTE LiFF. These articles, are ini the pub- licity book. Mrs. Charles Van Deursen is the president of the club. The members Wednesday, February 2, were the guests of the Xoman's club of Wil- mette whien Paul Paris gave his il-1 lustrated lecture on "The. Great Art Galleries of Europe.". ý-. *Ât *e 4t t3, ** s, t o S**c*ijt.4 O 01 clubs beionging to the Garden Club, of Illinois, will be on fiower arrange- -ment. She will explain the basic principles of design and show how they apply to the three schools of arrangement .-most often used-the Victorian, the. modern, and arrange- men its with an Orientalfeeling., St. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN AIL TYPES OF TOWN AND COUNTRY CLOTHES. OUR MATERIALS ARE ALWAYS'0F THE BEST QUALITY. INCLUDED IN THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES ARE: Paul Stone-Raymor, Ltd., IEdeard Stack ' promising Young Chicago baritonel, will sing for -the Junior auziiiary of' the Woman's Club> of Wilmiette 'today, (Thurs- day).tcIen the Senior club wiIl enz- tertatin the juniors. In addition .to, Mr. Stack's pro grarn motion Pic- tures of the Californiia Redwoods wilbceçhozee. Eastern Star Events Saturday evening, February 12, at the Wilmette. Masonic temple, Wil-. mette cliapter,, Order .of the Eastern. Star, is serving a Sniorgasbord supper f rom 7 to 9. Members and f riends aTê-aIl invitecl. The committee in genuine, amusement. Those preferring to play cards will find the card roomi a delightfùl place and everyone at- tending this affair will get more than double his or her money's worth. Tickets cati be procured from any officer. The first lap of the Sewing club has already begun; having had two sewings thus far. Its members are sewing f or the Health conter and are nmaking layettes at the present time. *DRESS AND SPORT COATS l2- AND 3-PIECE SUITS * DRESSESAND EVENING GOWNS *2- AND 3-PIECE. KNITS *AUTHENTIC SKI SUITS *HAIS, SWEATERS ACCESSORHES SPANUSH COURT, WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 0FTHE EDGEj"WATER BEACH 110111EL ,~-4'nnowwed . e table a venue~,virilt The Linen circle is, to meet at 2 o'clock with Mrs. A.' H. Priebe, 507 Park avenue, Wilmette, on February '24. The Young Mothers' circle held it*s Februàry meeting. Monda y night at the hoime of Mr*s. M . H. Seifert, 3051 Seventeenth street. Has Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Porter G. Po x gave a lunch- eon and bridge last Friday at berý home, 626 Warwick road, lCeilworth. ORRIN TUCKER'S ORCHESTRA AND GL.EE CLUB WITH HARRIET SMITH'S LOVELY LADIES 2J/o &dw Reservations Suggesed--LONGBEACH 6OO I