at hehe iiiuvvi VLI. jolii. MairSnall Roberts, 328 Warwick road, Kenil- Worth. Mrs. Theodore Moritz will assist Mrs. Roberts as co-hostess. MisFuikerson is a graduate of the Church School of Art and'studied *at the and the University of'Chicago. She is a* member of the Woman. Decorator's association of -Chicago, and of the American Insti- tute of Decorators.ý A meniber of the interior decorating firm,. Claïk-Fulk- erson, 509 Davis Street, Evanston, Miss Fuikerson is a personal frien.d, of Mrs. Roberts and is giving the lecture for the club as a speciàl courtesy.. Has Dancng Party. Bar7bara and;Dorothy Flint hiad a dancing party recently. for twenty- two of their friends. They are the twiii daughters of the N. Chaee Flints, of 233 Warwick road, Kenil- heard Mrs. Fellers know wvhat a treat that will be. Miss Dorothy Rae will sing a group of songs, and a play, "The Second Mile,". will be presented. ,Those who are to take part in the, play include Mrs. Roy Best, Mrs. C. C. .Henderson, .Mrs. P..auil Gather- coal, Mrs. Elliott Youngberg, Mrs. William Duncan, and Mrs. S. M. Peterson. Spoke. I Will serve tea. Tea for Daugjhfer Mýrs. joseph E. jannotta will give a tea, for ,her daughter, Stella, on Feb- ruary 5. at her home, 512 Roslyn road, To Celebrate Brthday Mrs. Purcell L. 'Smith will cele- brate lier sn, Peter's, .ixth lbirth4ay with a party on Saturday at their home 219 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. CircI. Luncheoni The Central circle of the First Congregational church will be enter- tained at luncheon Friday by Mrs. F. M. Bowés of 474 Sheridan, road, Evanston. Mr-, and Mrs. Oscar. Hebel of 1210 ,Sheridan road,,entertained; at dinner receintly in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ýLong, of. Winnetka. ,y $2.50 t 7 ;hampoo, Arch or Twim. ingorwav., ~ 5 danicur ......3fr8 426 Linden Avee, Witm.ffé PlionbWiIm.f. 4454. AIL WORK GUA RANTEED I FURTHER REDUCTIONS en i Dresses., Coats. Suits Sweaters Evêeing Gowns Evening Wraps December 26, Miss Frances Orcutt, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Dzedght C. Orcutt, 786 Greenleaf avenue, has resumed her studies at Northwesterni uni- versçity where she is a sophomore and a member of Kappa Kappa Gammna sorority. For her tea the debutante wore vîeu.x gold matelassé, tzith Vie- .toricsn off-:he-stho'wlder, decolletage edged in soeie, and carried a handsome bouquet of bronze orchids, flame euphorbia, and bronze button chrysan- THE SPORTS SHOP 976 Linden Avenu. Holiday Debutont. Resaames Studios Hubbard Woods