HTay Rack and î ~Sleigh Ride Parties Martin Beinlch-Northbr>Ook 1030 ,Sunset Ridge Rd., Glencoe 1016 15LTN31-10tp E-LECTRI'C VWELDING, I3OILER weldlng, machine shop) and automo- tive n»Arts iohbars. PAVLIK BROTHERS PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 Seasonied Fireplace Logs 50 OU. FT. TO A TON, $7. 128 CU.,FT. to a cord,,$14. Gieneoe 858.' 1 5TT3l7-4tp FIREP LACE WOOD DRY BIRCH ýAND >MAPLE, $12 PER ton. Oak, . $9: Mlxed -wood, .S$10.50, Green wood. $7. Dellvered. E. Haglun1d; 849 Eim. Wlnnetka 2108. 15LTN36-4tp FURNIItTRE SPRAYING Also wlcker furniture & refrigerators. We use lacquer-dries hard and fast. Wlnnetka 3185. 15LTN39-4tp OPTOMETRIST 35 yrs. experlence. Byes fitted propei-iy. Broken lenses replaced, frames Yepaired. JOSEP~H F. KUSS 804 Eim St. Winnetka 3671 15A-LTN35-tfc a31 SUIL.PING AMP SEPAIR FLAGSTQNES Beautiful Stone for Rock Gardens BRICK 'AND CEMENT WORK TUCK POINTING H. HARTWELL WINNETKA 2864 * 21LTN18-tfc. PLASTERING Repairé. Have your basement le aned. Wals i lmewashed or cemented.. G. A. Tiurâby.,Wilimette 3387 21LTN37-4tp Caàrpenter - Painting Remnodeiing and a Repairs of al Neison B. Place. Wl this page wiIl assist you in keeping your house and its furnish- ings in good condition;. a home ýto be proud of on any occasion. *Mi PAiYN0 Ae àND'DtECRATIrNC Painlting, Decorating. SANITAS AND CONVASING, OLD floors nmade likenew by dustless ia- cihinery. Our specialty on washlng walls and woodwork.that doesn't hurt the sur- face, yet at a iow cost. Our work is done to your satisfaction by a record of good reference and best mat. at iowest prices., MELVIN ýWIL. 31 * 25LTN39-ltp 1. SKOLNIK COMPLETE DfECORATING ~SERVICE *Wall washlng & starchlng; paper clng. Color matching and touch-up work reas. Lowest Prices. Any slze job. Refs. QUALI~Y WORK ONLY. Wiimette 4288, 25LT39-ltp DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Glencoe 1807 E. V. Durkoop Shedrake, 5132 K. L. Durkoop 25TNL46-tfcf CEIL. CALC.,' $2 UP' .Rooni papered, $4. Rooms washed, $2.50; bathrm. enarnel., $6 up. Equip, for. any line of dec. Carry ins. Refs. LOUIS, Wiimette 3503 Winnetlça 258 25LTN39-ltp O. IDURKOOP Painting and Decorating 325 Washington Ave., Giencoe 1512 25LTN39-3tp WHY WAIT, WASHING WALLS AND palntlng,,done, for haif price. 60%1 discount, for Februar.y only. P'hone Hlighland Park 2851. 25LTN39-lti) 26-A ;H4 ERSKINE WILI 1011 Hubbard La Humidifying is, branch of air condit Winnetlça 88 bbard Woods ost .important TIome-ffice. 55 LUTTER SERVICE MULTIGRAPHING, MIMEOGRAP- ing and Pianographinig. ýMaillng Service. .RAY'S LETTER SERVICE ' 720 E1m St. Winnétka 274 55LTN36-4tp 50'PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO: TUNING, $3. RE- -pair wor-kguaranteed. 22 years' fac-, t*ry experlence. H. C. Thomas, 206'Co- lumbla Ave. Park Ridge 1477. 60LTN35-4tp PIANO TUWNG A:ND.REFPAIR[NG. Ail Work Guaranteed. Thomas Loekerbte Wilmet-te 822. TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOTLS 60LTN36-4tp) OS RADIO SERVICE FOR $1.50 You Can Have an Expert RADIO ENGINEER CHECK YOUIR set and antenna. Perfect reception de- niands a well kept set and an occation- ai check UI) by an expert wili prove inexpensive and insure the bist service f rom yvour radio. Lee S. Fetcher Winn. 2454 68LTN38-4tp 1 seREPASMING ^ND WEFINISIIING T'he Village Wood Shop Opp. Wllmette Postoffice, Wllmette 3484 Custom-bullt furniture. E~xpert furnilture repairing and refinlshing. Antiques a speclalty. Caning, rushjing. 69LTN36-4tp 72 SJEWING MACHINE REPI $ 1-EXPERT -Ah makes., Reconditioning & exch. Millen GUAR.Al Sewing MachinE Radin~s. AI GUAR. AI Also rèpairiing 44 iNsUTRuCrioN T17TORIN<I I; N FRENCH 'FOR TRÏ.AV- el, conversation, sehool. Current French: literature. Group obr ,individuIX lessons. Blanche Mason, Teilis. Win- netka 823. 44LTN36-4tp 4B. RECREATIO N UCHOOLS9 ferSchoo'l Club$ SNwin-m-ing, dancing,.boxing, lhorstýbii ekI riding, outdoor play, trips o(f intterest. 1. to 6 days per week. Haf Pre-Sehool Class Hafdays and fuli days. Staff includqs registered nurse. Outdoor play enm- pliasized. Over..Night Service Chiidren cared for by night,, week or season. Transportation to school. PHONE FOR DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER 822 MNichigan Ave. Wilnmette 1068 Qutdoor Recreational School Betsy N. Shapker, Director llth Year 48LTIN-9-1-tc 59 MUSICAL INSTRUMUNTS Four grand pianos, one Lowboy upright,: one Spinet: Bargains. Storage Mart, Iredale Storage, 1723 Benson Ave., Evanstoni. Steinway Grand Piano EXCEPTIONAI, BARG.AIN Glencoe 1407 WANTD - sed G1rand Piano for cash, Plione Sheidrake 5797. 5;914TN:17-4ti STEINTA Y G RAND PIANO, 'MUSTr sel!, $225 cash. 6512 N. Clark St. 59L'TN3-4-4tp 80.A WANTzD TO BUY-CLOTrHING .,,.Martin's Clothing Store.. WILL BIIY MEN'S USED SUITS shoce, overcoats; also fur, coats. 1Best prices. Prompt service. 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220ý 80A-LTN39-2tc- S0 WELARINQ APPAREL 1/5 0F VALUE;-SIZE 16 O R 36- ,sport and formai dresses, $1an $. Fur coat, $12 good eond. N. T. gym? suit. Fur pieces., Wlnnetka 3878. 80LTN39-ltiï North -Shore "E asy",Shop 907 Linden, Hubbard Woods, Wifln. 908 53A-LTN39-tfc FOR~SL 2 PEDIGREED CHOW POLICE PUPS . Maie. 1 month old. Reasonable. 875 HILL ROAD. WINNETKA 187. llLTN39-lt COCKER SPANIEL PUiPPIES 4 months.. 2 maie. Pdge. Registered. -Xo reasonable offer refused. 411 Tentht, Wlmee.lLN9t D'avis 2233 (Hei go), or write Sherman Ave., nts anti terms at Ye and up). telephone. 'court 4220 in Chica- rge, T. Coonley,. 1580 ranston. 8TLTN39-ite s. er ý-4tji. 1 -- ,. 1 ý.i ma