ATTRACTIVE, efficient, well-planned printinig, produced by moder, high-speed equipment and designed. by com-' petent :craf tsmen whether it *is a simple business card or a book in colors -1ism ore economnical for the buyer than unattractive, poorly- planned, poorly executed printing produced by ýobsolete inachinery and indifferent w'orkmen. Lloyd Hollister.1nc. offers buy ers of printing.a compolete service at -a correct price. Up - to - date equipnient, diversity of scope, ex- perienccd personnel-hs com- bine to produce attractive, wel- planned printing- often at an actual saving over a less'-desirable product.. During the year 11938, consuit with us concerning your printing, designing aud photo- cngraving problem.s.. We feel sure that we can render you a very valuable service. Il