The answer is1 simple. A funeral may cost as much or as little a~ the desires and finencial circumstances of the faxily warrant. In our display room we offer a wide cljoice of inerchandlise, ail representing fulI value for the prive. And the, intan gible elements of our service -sympathy, reverence and reliability- are the saine for ail, regardless of 'cost. ILMETTE 1118 -GREENLEAF AVENUE Ph... WiImotte 654: LADY -ASSISTANT DE LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YEARS ON THE NORTH SHORE WINNETKA 554. CENtER STRE ET Phone. Wi.metka 4 04 forw inter cmfr Use OILS 812 OA K ST.e WINNETKA WINNETKA 3901: WILMETTE 831 NELSON SYSTEM ..1210 CENTRMAL AVENUE WILMETTE 800GRIENLEA F 2180GLNO 10 oi %~vIiIB F. WILMETTE 1800: *LENCOÎ. loo