the iLadies AjQ wil ervEý lulinh fr the workers. - 111 was glad when they said unto me, Let us gp into the house of the Lord." Mrs. Ella Hamm,ý Once Local Resident, Dies Mrs. Ella S. 1-iamm passed away at 'her home in Elkhiart. Imd., on Fni- day evening, ýFebruary 4, from thé effects Of a heart. attack. suffered a f ew days before. For many, years Mrs, Hamm, with * ler hiusband and children rresided at 270 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. Teti years ago they' moved to Elk-, hart. Mrs. Hamm wvas horn ini Joliet * and ivas a daugbter of the late Wil- liam MI.* and Aithea Hawley Stevens. S he iýsurvived l)y hcr husband, Wiliam S. Hamm, her, daughters, Mrs. Winiifred H. Custer, of Elkhart, and MNrs. Willa H. Mfenzel of Chii- cago; by a brother, Frank M. Stev- ens, of Oak Park, an.d by two sis- tct:s, Jenniie M. and Wi\ nifred WTV. Steveus of Chicagyo. Funeral services wverc held Tues- day ýafterniooni at Trinity Mletbodist * Episcopal church, with initerment in -Elkhart cemieterv. Marcus L. West Killed; * Hit by Car ini Florida Marcus Il. West, 70, of 318 Prairie avenue, Wilinette, died February 2 Mi the Mortonr S. Plant hospital at Clearwater, Fia., followilng injuries received on Februa ry 1 when lie .was struck by an automobile. whilc cr'ossinig a highwaày. Fu neral services, and interiient. were at Eastô'n, Pa., isbirthplace, on February .5. Survivors. are the widow, Frances, and twvo stepi-daughters, Mrs. Lowel R..: Beyrer and Miss. Gertrude Arnold, alil of the Prairie avenue address. M'r. West was a former instructor ini Northwesterni university school of *.engineering. He retired last Sep- à V/ictor C. McKeighan, .661 Ilii- nois roadý, W4ilincite, well known- ini Aorth Shoôre dranatic circles aànrl a mlemiber of, Thtresholder Pla vers, of .Glreicoe, will appear with tha! prou p in a kresentIation of " l'elloté Jack," at Cenitral'schoôl aiti itor-i.iii, Gle>wcc,. F&iday. andi Satnrday cciigs, Febru-iarv 18 and 19. At the WVonîaii's club in Evanston, on the afternoon of .February 22 and the evening of February 23, Mr. Mc-- Keighian hlas an important role in "Mrs. Moonlliglit,"' whicli will also be given at the schiool. auditorium in North- brook on Thursday evening, February 24. Sport PrO gram. Major Part of Schedule at Skokie Valley Camp That "ail wonk and no play make Jack .a duil boy," is a policy, long ob- senved at Skokie Valley CCC camp, and one which bas a strong sponsor in the',person of the nieur camp com- inander, Major. George E. Cook. ýMany atbletic activities bave been carried on at the camp since its founding in 1933, and during . that timne scores of young men who have heen converting~ the former Sknkie EGG CCS trieti>-es LEG 0F LAMB> Genuine Spring Quallty,. Tender, Delicately Flavorable. 8 to 9 b.avg.k b BABY. LEG 0F LAMB IL. 29C LAMB CHOPS. Genuine Spring Sirloin. 0I 'Cut to order, lb .... RIB ROAST 0F BEEF> A Royal R oast ifideed! - Prime Beef zaged to perfection; bee ,f-that * which none better can be had. You are assured of' the inost saviory, juicy and suecculent of roasts. th and th23 lb . ....f. 2 3 c ~. 3 dozen ý9cý Palace Quality Steaks, AILSTEAKS ýCUT ToOiDIER iPri me SIRLOIN STE&K lb. 39c Prime PORTERHOUSE . .Ib.45C Prime SWISS STEA.K . .l.29C BonoleastTENDERETTES, IL.19C DONELESS ROLLED. RIS ROAST OF SEEF Ail selected cuts-It's aI met- top grade beef lb .....3 s.aas~.c ~4is~L 4 4. PORK LOIN ROAST 21/2 to 3 lb-s. avg. Cut from very young and tender corn-fed pork<ers -so flavorable.-it tastes 1 91/2c like chicken, lb ...... Fresli Ground Meat Loaf, Pork- Beef-Veal, lb). 25e' Fresh Cnt Chop SueY- Meat, lb. 25c !esh MIlock Chlckeui Legs, 6 for 35c ~ ebCa]vPs' Siveet Brëa'ls. Il).49c btItU BACONu PRIME UIIF POT ROAST Ail selected cuts. Top grade -tender, juicy a.nd extremely 9Ie CORNED hEEP Boneless Brlsket, Sugar Cured the Fa.mousPalace Way, lb..2 BEEF TONGUES, Sweet plckled. 'Twill go great, too, for sandwiches when slleed ý912 oold. 4 lbs. avg., ib 9/ CASH AND CARRY ONLY SOtRY, NO PHONE ORUEÉS OR PELIVIRIES LAMB CIIOPS. Genuine Spring . ........... lb. 19cI SIRLOIN STEAK. Tender and Juicy .......... lb. 1 9C PORK SAUSAGE. Freuli, Sutali LinkIs ... -...... . 19c FREH F1 HEVERY DAVAT PaL £ -HILES*RS COFFEE 2-lb. 49c Jumbo Santa Clara I rneats 2 l,,, 25c ,ve weeks. ily understanu 'now new enrollees al- He is survived by his widow; by most witbout exception readily gain two daughiters, Mrs. Shirley Lecliner poundage. of Nules Center and Miss Wilmar* The welfare of the boys wben off Popp; by his mother, Mrs. Antonia duty is equally well supervised, it lu Albert Popp; by a brother, Clarence, gointed out. They have comfortable Of Chicago, aind by two sisters, Mrs. bunks for sleeping; an. abundance of Arthur Merker of Western Springs, warm cçlothing, periodsfor study, re- and, MrS'. John Karstens, of Cbicago. igious worship and récreatîon.. The owsensation I-n dogdom! Your pet wlll love it £bor c V-S COCKTAILCase of 48, S3.95 1-u Peacock's Vitamin, Jues. ýA bracing blend of 8 -vegetables' Jules, cana ' V.Céresota -Fleur 5-lb. bag 25C 1 0-lb. bag 49c 241k-lb. .9 Bag .... c & H Pure Cane