on H. Dohert3 ai Guard, spea artillery and FIT OR FACTNG FEEBLENESSO BlryD.ý. Lyuna The %brief time occuPied 'in visit- ing .a doc tor's office now and then9 to consuit him ýregarding one',s physical condition, often prov es .to. be one. of life's Most cherished memories. WVhether one is nine or ninety a nd: feels fine and fit, a simple blood. test, and a ,f ew questions asked by the, doctor,. May produce evidence of lurking disease. thus proving the wisdom of a decision to learn whether or. not ones actual condition May 'not indicate precariousness rather than perma- nent good health. Everyone WoUMd rather 'be fit than feeble,> and Ye'IOr doctor is, the Iigical person, to help--ycm avoid the possibility of the latter state. If you need medicine the doc- tor can tell you where to have bis presCpitiQn, -filled. Thiq' is the forty-fifth in a series- of Editorial Advertisements appearing In this paper each week. (Copyright) Liieut. Carl Peterson revealed a broad knowledge of hils subject. He reviewed the army and its activities in every war froru the Revolutionarv to the late World war, pointing out that in every one of themn America was uhprepared andi explained that the fighting was spor- I adic and was confined to areas- where it would not hamrper tourists. He said that motorists could pl-an Mexi- can tripsý in' perfect safety. M.otor travel to Mexico, this .year lias. shoivu a moire than 50 percent increase ove-r the previous year. hie' declared, HEALTH NEWS From Headquarters Wilmette Heath Ceiter, 905 Ridge Rond Cli;zic. Schedule Tuesday,. February>l- -9. to 12 a:ý ni., Logan-Howard dental clinic; Dr. P. Bass, Mrs. E. Stopka, R. N. Wè*dneêsda>, February 16-9 to 12 a. mu., New Trier High, school dental clinic; Dr. E. Christie, IMrs. I. Blissý.! Thursday, Fébruary 17ý-2 to 4 p. m..! .Eye clinic; adults and children; Dr.~ R. H. Hender son in charge Monday, February 21-1 to 4 p. ru., Chest clinic; Dr. julius Novak, med- ical director, Chicago Tuberculosi5 'ustitute, in charge.. Mrs. Eleanlor McAle3y,. tra-veling. ;ecretary, Chicago Tuberculosis 1n stitute, checked the records at the Wilmette . Health , Cener Tuesday, February 1. A meeting of the Newv Trier Nurses' association 'wvas- held Tuesday evening. Dr. Ste phe;t A.. .Lloyd r-state. suiperi>trndrvt .of Congre.gationalý churches ii M ichigan,' and a for- mer viizsslcr of the' First Copiyrc- <ational churc-h of fl'!jf»jttcfft. CCizcd sii*qnatl honors reztlcheil he z(as iected to thte ffiýc tf nioderafo,' of thte Ilid-il'~est Reion) of Cp;igrcelatioizal ch urchies. 40H1-l Prising 19 state s.- Dr. Lloyd 'was also elect*ed lu î li National joint ' staff., the deiifoiniati ,n'*s .executîve group. k*letion of Dr. Llovd to the N\ation)ial joint Staff, -is the secOîid such hionlor accorded to hiru. \\Wih hlm ill he as- sociated iourteen church leaders h St. Valentine&s Day QT Special ............... T 44t PACKAGE New York Ice Creemn w ith - C h e rrie s . . .. . . 2 2 Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Lakc,.maud Ridge Road OeilWImet. 31.6 trained' in theé1<R. 0. . . and the C. 'M T. C.' He brought out that, every brandi of' thé army is danger- ously undermanned and underequî p- ped, and that if war were suddenly thrust iupon the country it would be as lamenably tinprepared as in 1917. *A startling fact stated by Lieuten - ant Doherty is that America spendsi only $5.08 per capita -per annuru for its national défense, while other na- Stopka, R.. N. The topic of discus- sion was a plan, workig through the American Nurses' association, for a. retirement benefit. Nine nurses, at- tende-d the meeting. The Girl Scouts Who helped -stamp, ItheXmas Seal letters were guests of the Health Cener,-Monday afternoon, February 7. VISITq -I-TFR Hw.RIP becomne a iiemnber of the cahin<3t whichi is the executive b,dv (if Ille N\i-Siolls cutwicil, and comprised of ilrec execui- tive officcrs and the executive superin- tendent. As niuderator of t he 'Mid -West re- gion. the,.M\ichiýgan cliurch, ,leader vill visit theinieteen' states during the, year a nd will preside over 'the. annual meeting to be held in Wichita, Kansas, next October. Congregationalists (M the north shore received word. this week that ettective lover a a-nu the conséquent 'ioss of two attorney, Who cruisers. .Years counselc tr.kmgtli Ail of the speakers endorsed and ministrator of son, 144 Maple sought support for thé féedéral gov- Charles B., er of Wilmette ernment's program for increasing the deputy grandý ier of the 26th- effectiveness of- the, nations def ense district, will iý d States navallforces. to the lodge t ýown- r of Ad- 'Watson, Di Glencoe, master for the local ruake bis officiai visit this evening..1* of thé American L( 'esented a na f -thé