WINNETKA WILMME 718 SI. Street 402 Unen Ave. WInIka 51 Wfl,,,.t 151 - 'v E...~k E a.1 ~ i i mu rr rruurs aena vegerubies. SPECIAL.SALA D' SCOMBINATION I AVOCADO PEAR AREPINK 'GRAPEFRUIT HEAD, LETTUCE' 1 8-oz bottie CÔMMODORE, DRESSING i.' ALL for 5 Ci HEAD LETTUCE. Crisp and fresh-Quarter ami serve with plenty of French dressing and a border of ras- * 502m Mcdiur heds . fr eads for 25c Broccol i Fancy heads - Serve with drawn -'buttes, lemon, or Holandaise sauce- Suuchl7c fkwPototoes Truce "appies of the earth' es thi French describe ihe'M-Rich in rmal flavour- 10Ous. 49C DELICIOUS APPLES. Juicy and ful.o ORANGES- FORAJICE. Full of heàlthful, swe.t juice. 80 refreshing in the ,eorning or befoe 7 SEEDLESS PINK GRAPEFRUIT.: Com bine with Avocado pear suices for à color- fui and refrcshing salad coure-.0.en Jumbo size--Wonderfui lavor- 3J or£ FRESH STRAWBERRI ES Imag !ne.serving' ripe. red, dellcious Straw- berri.jsi Mid-wjnt.r at. June pricesi On sale Friday and Saturday only- 2 itis25 C M~I ____________ E - WATER CRISS. Fresh and dew-y and' green as new sprig grass-To en- honce al salad- Lbunches 11c -RADISHES or GREIEN ONIONS. Crisp, rs-e radishes ami thoe.ncw Spring onions make a * isý 3bunceI 1oc CAIJLIFLOWER. Snow-whitc hoeds-So invit- ing when served whoie and garnished with water crss- 9c IKITCI1N KLENZER5c Gceo, Sweef Barr Gherkins Thie litti. prickiy pieki.. that add color.-and flvo t ti.saiad or meat Couru- l "V4'Vegetable Cocktailý The juices of eight nutrithius vegetables biendedto in a healthful :and refreshinq cocktail - hl eibefore 2. *Commodore Di,1 Pickles Fresh, crisp and- with pienty of~ reai diii flavor-Packedi qàart refrigerator iar-, 23C Chop Suey Speclals Ail the nccessary ingredients for savory chop sue or chow mneiti-Combine and .dd meat. chicken or ulrimp- Be:u Spous Ciese N.odies #%à%29 chop suey Vege tables Ii7C Meat FRESH DRESSEO BROILER9 Serve with new potatoes and butt.r 13/ te 2-1b. averge- iher Testo Ready to serve with spare ribs or smokeci Theuringer sa'Usage in fificen minute- I 12 29Ï. Conned Shrimp Cooked ami ready to serve-Use in cocktails. salads or a tom ptie, g slirimp chop suey- 2 3 c Kaoit PIs Chili and s erve for breakfast-, fill for salads or serve esas* desser- No. 2 tins-25 -Pou Itry -Fistaý S. Piump1 tender and meaty- lr broccoli- each 69c ' k 151s flng 'sait water- lb. No Corrylug te Do W. Delivor fote eu FEBRUARY 10, 1938 CHICAGPO 1508 Jarvis 3959 raodway RoOiSBuck. 2M Lb. .2000 . 1