iÇennels in the Westminster Dog 1 L v v; eaii c women, and 1718 Shermamn Avenue show to be held at Madison SquareFeanusPy, dean of the grad- WM. H. CALLQW,,Prin. UNI. Gardens in New York-on Thursday, ut coi ____________________________ Friday and Saturday of thjs week. Mrs. Herman S. Strauss, 360 Jack- 'I Mrs. Halpin andM. Cassehuan are son avenue, Glencoe, ice i i yATR A IE OU DV R IEI partersin te HrtzvlleColiies of the Indian, University. Woas Kennels.- club of Chicago. 'ÉlThe-four dogs, the finest of, whichlév is, Champion Hertzville Headstone RETURNS TO STUDIES ae big hpped east by train,tc Richard R. Petnbsjs é pariciateinthémos imorantturiedtoChampaign affer spending' show of the year. :Hertzvil e, Head- lthe Short. mid-semester vacation with £f j* j Stone has beaten ail dogs of bis classi bis parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Howard ~ f W ~ . W W in the south and middle. west and is E. Preston, *1031 Greenwood avenue, going to New York for the. first time Wilmette. He is. a ýsenior electrical to compete against eastern dogs. He engineer at the -University of Illinoàis. was judged.: best in three, shows in whicb be was entened Iast year. RIE-ELECTED PRESIDE NT n- echalleS This time be wiIl be entered for spe- OR EN A ý& APhT dasonly asbe is alreadya cbam- A. E. Gebert,. 1526 Greenwood ave-A R pion, nue, Wilmette, was- re-electe n-d hllne 0»Prxnh Te other dogs wbo are gongt tional president of the Coin Machine twilayo eorfnecollecti ae d e rg ye u .New York are Hertzville Historia, Industry at that erganization's ant-fieoet. tè » by. judged>best ofbreed in the last Chi- -nual convention beld last weelc at the cagoshowin November, FUertziî Hotel Sherman, Chicago. Hthe gnof cdlies willke paeeHtt eadback S K e Jort ri*Euc Thoe un f ot, es wertzi4lie lace udy:o b ba in Glencoe by Sun- 607 Davis St.. Eva,*@u Gm'..0700 on Friday, and Mr. and Mrs. Halpin1 day. à ~2oe6/..di Y for and. In -1tt.1 i >0 sJ p ,jj Ls~.