v We pre sent our ýnewý Hat Bar dedicated to you smart- young people ,who adore the very newest ;n hats. This is your hat barwith a marvelous array of hats - 'suedes, feits, crepes, and, hand crochefeds - neeyclor im- aginable - and not one of them priced over three ninety-five! At top rqght is a cun ning new callot crocheted ail by hand,,anrd finished with saucy tassels smac.k in front, $ 1.95. At bottom .r*~h is a stunning turban of crepe, $2.95. On the figure at the rigbt, our famo's bowler feit, $2.95. And those are just three of the many perfect Hait Bar, hats 1 -95t $3-9 5 -First Floor rh e Tailo.red, Perfection a Iimniled nuMber o*f st unninq new Sprlng Suifs ut Ihi s ext raordinary Iow ,price WWW in the Moderate Price SI@p You'hI wear this suit with pride-p.ride in its faultless tailoriîngits~pretue and fi t, its s'plendid a~I wool Stillwôter worsted "- and pride. too, in the fact that you paid so very iftle money for L~N BDCA A.STEVYENS Imc. FISBRUARY 10. 1938. 1624 -Oruington Av, E~i@ Y Evanst 095