suines added importance be- cause the organization will ceIel)rate its fifth birthday at a progrramn and Valentine tea to be held February 15, at. the Georgian hotel in Evanston. at 2 o'clock.- .Edith Snowdren.- Scharff welI known dramnatic and radio artist xiii give a -play rea(ling._ Mrs. Arthur Prussing, nelwiv ,ý'appoited program chair" * manm i. xiipresent MisÉ Schartff. * Mr.s. Earl J.i Cooper, presidentý of theauxiliary, Will welcômé the guests, who will include, many of the. charter members. Mrs. Paul Cuier of Wil-ý * mette, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth L. Wilso n. of Xilmette. 7former presi- dent,, Mrs. Philip Smith and Mrs. Lewis. Er m.eling, charter menibers, and Mrs.. Herbert Mueller wivll form the comm ittee to hielp Mrs. Cooper dispenise hospitality to the large crowd ectdfrtebrha le b)rationi. xetdfrte.itdye Dr. Beatrice Tucker, rnedical di- rector of the famious dispensary at Newberry avenue and Maxwell street, will be an initeres'ted spectator while Dr. Philip Smith in his capacity of staff member, will cut the huge birth- day cake. Mrs. Millard B. Kennedy of. Wimnetka is arranging'this cere- miony which will immnediately precede the tea hour. Diii, m.Vji-.vo was solo harpist with the San Francisco and Cincinnati orchestras. His program will include "Concert, Waltz' by Alberstotter, "'Melody" by Thomas, and "Mighty. Lak a Rose" transcribed by J. Vito. At the business meeting preceding MLr.- Vito's, program, reports will be given of the recent Fifteenth Tri- ennial Convention- of, the National Council of Jewish Women, held in Pittsburgh. from January. 23 to 28. The followýing. delegates to the tri- ennial will -discuss 'specific parts of, the conven.tion1 program:- Mrs. Fred BerstenMrs.. Benjamin !M. Gasul, Mrs. Herman Lebeson, Mrs. Benja- min I. Morris, Mrs. Ralph A. Reis , Mrs. William H. Sahud and Miss Evîlyn Silverstine. Tea will. be serVed ini the council rmsfollowing the prograni. Musicale fo beclicate New Fraferntfy Piano The Sigma Nu Mothers' club will mneet Thursday, February 17, for luncheon at 1 o'clock at Cooley's Cuî)lboard, 1631 Orrington avenue, Evanston. Hostesses for the day wiIl be Mrs. Lewis Falk, Mrs. Chartes Johnson, and Mrs. E. Finch. \ < j,- \ \7,~ pyoifWa Like snowballs rolling down a1 hili, these sweaters gather'.com- pliments wherer'er they go.. 0f ipecial, ight, soit pure zephyr yarn.,. selècted by Mli/burn's- these sweaters are flat:eringly, styled..Choose fromn these coa/ors:,Pink, açua, beige, cruise bine,, grevrwhite, brbwzný andi black. 0f superior wool.. and on/y $1.95 714 Church St. Colloge Shop Bvan.ton *ig at the tea tables. , Mrs. Jate.s, Rollins and Mrs. William J. Nenner, who. is coming froni her home ini .Germantown, Pa., especially for the party, are two, other charter members, Who will pour. Mrs. W. Harry Hammond of Kenilworth, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Wilson, will also preside at the tea tables. Besides Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Kenneé- dy, the commjnttee that h as assisted in arranginz the afternoon's program in- eludes Mis ertrude Lanirers: IMrs. trhe mothers.-11 Vocal solos will. be presented by Mrs. C C. Burkhadt and Arch Tur- pin, and other selections by Robert Gibson, violinist. and William Foster, açcordion player. For Acacia Auxlliary The WVom-an'sauxiliary of Acacia fraternity wviil gather at the frat- 0THE EDGEÏWATER BEACH IIOTEL, Ann-4nis&ue.. A NEW MENU POLICY ScbWeers of Chicago.I The sewing group, chairmn I Is Jrâ.ý Daniel L~. Stormnont, wvill hold li 2 740P L ResrvtinsSuggested -LONGBEACHI60 I1l ý M gang a . wu', F" a 0 ag Dlamonds, Watchez r.a n d SILVERWARE /Si. JOS. F. KUSS a a a a a M a M a a se va raý 1!