1Become a ýMembler" is the slogan for* the Evanston hospital's annual -Hospital Sund(av" drive, which wil b)e held ini Evanston churches and 1*11 other north shore 'commtînities Sunl- day, Februarv 13. Directors of. ft," bontal have voted to' create. sev- eral new Classifications of memiber- ship iun the -Hospital association, and- contributions to -the hospital's char- ity program ' Will be recoknized by the enrolient of contributors as members of the association.' Claasify MeMberShips Inidivýidual donors to-the "H{ospital Sunday" campaign ,will be classified as inembers according to the amiount of their contriîbutions. The types of membership flot heretofore available which were ýcreatedby recent action of the boarid are associate, contribu- ting, sustaining and foundation mnem- berships. Prior totlhis year's mreni- bership program. the as 'sociation was composed of only two groupis, active and life ,nembers. Members of aIl classifications will be 'privileged to attend and parti- cipate ini meetings oIf the association, and to be regularly informed of the hospital's operatïng and financial condition. Broadei, Conimunity Interest Iannounicing the new nieml)cr- ships, Robert T. Sherman, presidet of the hospital, ,tated that tlîeir pur-pose is. primarily to .widen coni- rnunity interest ini the hospital's work. "Public support of the hospital," said Mr. 'Sherman, "has been re-. stricted in -the past to a relatively s malt group). Year'after .year, a f ew 'hundred persons in the commùnity have contributed generouisly to belp paýy for the charitable work which the hospitai carnies on. As the vol- ume .of this free work bas increased iiirecenit years, we have feit the need for a1larger group to share the bur-. den of support. The new mnember- ships will. provide regular' chann 'els of information through whichi memi- bers may keep abreast of the hos- pital's activity. Over a period of sev- eral years, this should result in a, gîagqd iii flecproduction QI *The Jade God" ai :Veiv Trier Totuipship 1H igh s c ho o Ps <iudi- torium ~this Fridoiy and SaLurdav, eeîi.ngs arc the four persans shownîaoc Upper' left. Miller Coburn, faculix inember iwho is -oachiny tle production; uppr right, Doris Jean Hargis. who pla ' s flic part 'of 1E-dith Derrick;loe lef t, Bill Lasear'. w~ho takes lte i-oie (if Jack Derrick, and -Ahice Crozkder, lower righ lich Per-ki, ç' of the draina. Photos b-' vi;i Hili and Jack 4auseiî. HAVE SECOND SON 'Mr. and Mvrs. Raymond Hoffniian, 1809 Walnut aveinue, announce the birth of a soli, Wilbert Glenn,, Wed- nesday, February 2, at the St. Fran-1 cis hospital. The Hoffmnans have ail- other soli, Raymond, jr. White. John Edward Youngtnan, Joyce Ottillie Brinkmian, Celeste Jewel Happ. Elizabeth Ann John- 'stone, jean Bain Mitchtell.,.and Bet- ty Jane Morse. They 'compjleted their high schéol %vork Àrith the end of .the senester's WvorkWednesday of ls ek. There will be no special com- miencemnent exercises, it was expai- led, but the graduates %will,,be finvited to return next1 June and pa rticipate' in the ceremonies with, the rest of the class. Temple Players to.: "ýBroadcast" Drama "An Eve for an Eye," a' one-act play, will be presented in the form of a radio broadcast for the program and rneetinz of the Temple Players, at North Shore Congregation Israel temple Wednesday evening, February 16, at 8:30 o'cloclc. An amnplifying systemn will be set iii for the broadcast which is to be under the direction of Mrs. Seymour Roos of Hubbard Woods. Mrs., Ira Rubel of Winentka, Pi- anist andI teacher, will gite -a pro- grani of piano numnbers. Concluding the entertainmnent will 1b e a prevue of selected scenes from Somnerset Maughan"s three-act play, "The Breadwiniîer," which the Temple Players are to present Sunday eve- ~ning, M\arch 6. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS The WVilmette Health department reports the following cases of com- inmunicable disease for the week end- ing February. 5: Chickenpox .1; nieasles .53; scarlet fever 1. Revision of Tax Records Shows. Reductions in 1934- '35 Levies, Dr. Frederick Stock, veterari con - ductor of the Chicago Symnphony or- chestra,, bas again been chosen as musical director of the revived Evans- ton Music Festival. Hans Iange, who cQondicted. the concerts last, year, w ill act as associate director, and John W. **Beattie oi the lUniversity, School of Music will be associate conductor., .The Chicago Symphony orchestra, headed by Dr. Stock, and Mr. La.nge will play at the four concert', sched-, uled for the evenings of May 17, '19 and 21. A Young People's matine will be played on Saturday afternoon, May 21, when a Children's chorus of 1,500 will also- appear.- A' famous artist will be. engaged for the matinee performance, as usual., North Shore Traditioft The Mayfestivàil, long a tradition of the North Shore, was revived last year, by Edwini S. MÈis and bis as- sociates, after a lapse of four years.. Organized by Peter C. Lutkin in- 1907, the festivals were an annual affair utitil' 1932. Mr. Lutkin died flecember 27, 1931,. ànd there was 'but one May festival hield after that., For twenty-four years the May Festivals were a* North Shore insti- tion which yearly achieved greater famne. Bringing many world famed artists to Evanston, their excellence brought. them world renown so that the Eyanston May Festival was known 'the worid over and ranked with the great spring festivals held aninually throughout the civilized cultural contribution ot the Unhiversi- ty's School of Music to Chicago and suburban communities. The plan was 'uccessful and last May's Festival,' the first of the new series, added lustre to the reputation of the North Shore's most outstanding musical event. This year, under -the direction of Frederick Stock, plans are "being made for even a greater festival At the moment the celebrated artists the current year will De eîue-ieu. NEW RESIDENTS Mr. ai-d Mrs. Leonid Neumann of Evanston have takefi the bouse at 825 Park avenue. They have a son. Leonlid, Jr. The Neumnanns expeçt, tirnoôve into'their new home in a Short time. ini tne cîry and ý;,'4t. 'fILOU111I Me i .country towns. These figures, how- ever, as Mr. Lindheimer pointéd out, do .not represent the! 'total reductions grânted by th 'e courts in. the two levie s under consideration but me'rely (Continueld on page 7) Have our reasonablerates ex- plained and ask us about the special1 rate for cash and 4. week runs. car invoiveui in the accident was owned and driven by 'the Rev. Paul Brown of 'Glenview. The Bauer boy was taken to the Evanston hospital in the police ambulance, where he was foùn4 to have received injurieé to head and legs..