ERROL FLYNNý- JOAN BLONDELL 'THi ERiFECT sPECIMENmw Tdareh of Time Cartoon Whlch.ver Vou Pro fer! B13EER Y~irfaw4tmba i roply- &Blhr.d t. oiru. Phone BIN SIIKSON Wiliu.tte 4092 Presei Astaire, G.eorge Burns, G r aci e Allen, Ray Noble. There are many. lively .tun es a nd unusual dance. se- quences in this ......... musical, farce. A si riltof levjity prevails tbrough- but the film. 'Burns and Allen as well Fpred Astaire n-s Ray Noble are heard on the poeularMonday eve- ning radio prograin. Thse Barrier. (Paramount.) With Jean Parker, James Ellison, Otto Kruger, Leo Carrillo, Robert ýBarrat, From the story by- Rex Beach. This is. the tale of the gold rush days in Alaska when many fled to that land to escape from penalties, for wroxig- doing comnitted in the States. Otto Kruger is the gambler whose daugb- ter, jean Parker, marries Army Lieu- tenant Ellison. Carillo gives an out- standing performance as a traper. Double Wedding. (MGM.) Directed by Richard Thorpe, with William Powell, Myrna Loy, John Beal. The stars do splendid work as usual and the supporting cast is good. There are many laughable situations, and, vicar played witb enjoyinent by Ar- liss. Iii bis other life he is a pirate. Ebb Tide. (Parainounit.) With Oscar, Homoika, Barry Fitzgerald, Ray1 Millàand,-Frances Farmer, Lloyd Nolan.ý Adapted f rom a story. by Robert Lois Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne.. Film- ed in Techicolor. ,W it tbFitzgerald and Milland,. two friends, H-onoka,i the British actor .Who has gained ~ an excellent rep- utation 1lateëly, s e i z e s command..:: of a schooner- and plans to steal. its cargo. They found that the owners d a ugîtter i s Ray MA«lIud. aboard. After a terrific typhoon,*they land on ait islad where, they mieet a strange white lord of the littie paradise." It's a picture long to l)e remenxbered. Ffrefly. (MGM.) Directed by Rober *t Z. Leonard, with Jeanette MacDon- ald, Allani Jones, and Warren Wil-'i liai. \War, espionage, intrigue, and romance furnishi the background for this light opera. The sceixe is laid in Spain during the time Napoleon lis attemptiîxg to conquer Europe-the Fireflv being a charming SpanishI sole. object of this cotnedyv which features the radio enmnity between Walter Winchell and Ben Biernie, and iachieves its purpose. Simone Sinin shows a great - mprovement ini .aiting, wears well some beautiful gowns, and reveals a pleasïing sing- mng voice. Noth6ing Sacred. (Sel7nick-Interna- tional.) Directed by William, Well-, with Fredic' Mardb,, Carole LombrdCharles Winninger, Walter, Conll. Suspense is well main- tained, in the farce which contrasts. the people, and the sùrroundings 'in. a small Veron t own. with those ini New York.' Improving technicol1or- adds much to this film. Naw'y Blue and GoId(M GM.) Di- rected by Sai Wood, with Robert Young, ames Stewart, Tom Brown, B i11i e Burke, Lionel Barrymore, Flor- ence Rice. Pre- ___ viewers recomL mend this draina of life in the na- val academy at An1napolis as splendid. enter- tainnient for the family. T h r e e T, rw young. meax with To rm Gletncoe Central School the gtaid Miss Loy who upsets bis Gr a ce Mo ore, plans. Melvyn Douglas, .~....~ ~ ...~ ~~;.-. t u a rt E r w in, Dr. Syn, (Gaurmont-flritish.) Direct- H. e l Westley. ____________________________ed by Roy Williami Neill, with George O pe r a t i arias Arliss, Margaret Lockwood, John 5 titig in M is s Loder. "Righteous smiuggling" bec- M o o r e's capable Potronize Ouir Adverf'isers cause the money derived is used for maniner, much de- the poor, is the business of a gentle lightfuI c o mn e d Y, and the sincere TiPerfect Specimen. (Warner Bros.) Director Michael Curtis. Cast: 4M~<~ . Errol Flynn, Joan BlondelI, Hugli I-er et, Edward Everett, Horto. From 'the story by Samuel Hopkins Adams. The heir to millions, knowl as "the perfect. pcmn"due to* the redentless supervision of his ar- rogan and domineering grandinother, makes, a dashi for freedoni, the out- Grae Moore side world and "the girl." ni prevvnng the crash. Subnuari.. - (First National.) Directed by Lloyd Bacoit with Pat O'Brien, Doris Weston, Wayne Mor- ris, Gleorge Brent. A new branch. of the naval service is shown in this ad- venture film. ecéi-b ýliý fAr', 1 ýý erllxriùviiý%A : 1 R.J 9