Rates -cents a line. Advertlsements run ln ail three papers. Rates 2M5INMUM CHARGE ONU DOLLAjI. Average of live.words) to the lino. No blackface type used. 20% discount on ail cah advert1se- miente. when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., WIlmette; 584 UÀncoin Ave., Wlnnetkâ, or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. 10% discount on ail adverttsemnents run four conhlecutive Issues. DeadUne for Insertions-"fe dvri:enswI WILMETTEý LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNPTKA TALK and Th ursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wiltnettte 4300,_ Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 8'P,. M.), GreenIeat 4300 or Afheidrake 1219-12171. 92 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 94.._SITUATIQN WANTED-FEMALK * cômPEi>É,rNT HJELP ('OMP. WOMANWISHES WORK ANY AnnEifl. (rnc J >AY1- LAUNDRY -SPRING HSE. Bety iiî ~Mi). xgflY (-LNG.-W.ASH 1 WALLS, ETC.: PlE- 170 hermnan Ave. Gre. 6035 PARtE DINNERS, CARE FOR. CHIL- 92LTIN40-1 ti) DREN 1VES. BEST REFS. WVIN- __________________________ NiTKA 650. 94LTN440-1t'P 94 SITrUATION WANTED-FEMAL1E WH-ITE WO.%A.N XISHE COOKING' \XTINE~1KA 175or housework. Teniporary or perrna- ýVINN '*I'*A 17,3. nent. Preparing dinners a specialty. FOR THE SELEOTIVE CLASS North Shore references. Lincolni 8092. of ail'dinestic help), with 94L40-ltp Chieago and, North Shore ùe'errences. VinWatPolI s CARLONSEMP. A EN' ~COMPANION. .HOUSEKEEPER, 818 Elim Street Wiinnctkaý NURSE 94LT1N4-t" Experienced. Best references. Edgewater HOUSECLEAINING AND GENEZAL3057. * 94L40-ltl housework by th~e day. Mrs. Anna WANT1ED- WORK BY THE DAY. Dressier, 2834 Southport AVe.., Chicag1_o. Nnring, cooking, serving, cleaning, Tel. Lakeview 2598. For excellent W111- 1laundry' or plain sevjng. -'undaty din- netka reference, tel. Xinnetka 21. lCI*s and teas a s peéiaity. Best refjs. 14 LTN37-4tp -iI g nywhere. Gleiicoe. 1411. A-i Domiestic Help. EXPER. WHITE GIRL WILT4HEt Paujjlne'SEm iA e y CLEANING OR LAUNDRY MON., genED. ALSO COOKING AND SERV- WILMETTE 2171 IN'G EVES. AND SUNDAYS. WIN- 9 4LTN40-'.tpiNETIRA 1468. 94L40-ltp EXIlE I1E NCED. WHITE. G00 D WOIIKER. . S. REFER. WIN- NET KA 1169.1 4T 01t %VI E WOMAN WISHES DAY, WORK of iny kind. Laundry or cleaning; also ea;tei-ing. Réferences furnished If desired. Cail Winnetka 1867. 94LTN40-ltp DAY WORK WED., ORt SAT. COOKING AND SERVING CARE 0F CHILDREN EVENINGS * Betty, Winnetka 2980 94LTN40-ltp WHITE WOMN WITH. 15 YRS. latundry experience wishes to take ln washing. Curtains washed and. stretched. Cali foi- and deliver. Greenleaf 7869. 94LTN4-ltp WO.NA.N1 WILL CÔME IN EVENINGS -iid,, thi'ough dinners. WiIl aiso work Sutidays. Stay with chiidren evenlings. Best i'eferences. Winnetka 226i7. 94LTN40-1 tn COLOJtEL) WOMAN WANTS JOB. G-enle'aî. housework. Good references. Phone Wilnxette 1060. 94L1'N40-ltp LEAVING TOWN - WOULD LIItE tO flace my competent German girl, *28 years old, as child's nurse or general rnaid. University 6272. 94LTN40-ltp EXPE-R. COL. 'MAID WANTrS GEN- eral or cooking. Good cooik and bouse- keeper, with excellent n. s. ref. Cal! Ethel, Winne.tka 1614. 94LTN40-1tp EXPERIENCED: WOMAN WO UL D LIKE, HOUSEWORK HALF DAYS, MORNING OR APTERNOjON. WINN. 2022, 94L40-ltp Ei.XPERIENCEDLAUNDRFI'S WANTS .workli on Mjondayr. Aiso morning work and getting dinners. -North Shore ref-. erences. Giencoe 1004. 94L40-1tp, Experie.mced woman wi:ýhes to care for children evenings. Wllmeýtte217 IRELIABLE -EXPERIENCED YOUNG SWHITE MAN WANTS ODD ýJOBS. GARDEN OR OUSE. REFERENCES. Wilniiette, 1878. *95LTN40-ltp HOUSECLEANING . .DRIVING J ODDJOBS Wanted bv Win netka man with good 95LTN»4O-2tp WINDOW WASHING; bOUJSE CLEA N- ing; wýashing floors; odd jobs. Also painting, North ýShore r ferences. NVii- mette 4333. *95LTN40-ltp gi 96 iT. WTO.-MALE SFÈMAL.E. A-i COUPLES With North Shore References Available CARLSON'S EMPL. AGY. 81 lm Street Winnetka 1175 96LTN40-lte CALL WINNETKA 3012, For experlenced couples, with A-i Refer- ences . .. white . . . côiored. KFHORLINE EMPL. AGENCY 746 Elm St., Winnetka - 96LTN40-lte GERMAN COUPLE DESIRES WORK. Woman good cook, do genierai house- wvork. Man, chauffeur and work a round bouse. Good Nort'hi Shore, refs. Sunny- side 6332. . 96LT40-ltp 97 HELP WANTEgD-EMA&X L A D Y, PLEASING, ?ERSONALITY,. ambitious, willlng te learn, sales exp. pref. Geod income, steady -work with splendid opportunlty for advanceement. Addr. B-79, Box 60, Wflmette, Il1. 97LTN4'-Itp **POSITIONS ÇOPEN FOR General, e12-$18. Cooka $15.-18. Second niaid $15. Nurseanaid. $15. * * Begirnners $10. S111ORLINE EMIPL. AGENCY 746 Elm St., Winnetka 97LaTN4O-tce WHITE GIRL, ABOUT 30 YREA 1R S old for general werk. Own rooMp No' amail chlldren. Cail Winnetka 89& STENOGRAPHER',& GNERAL OF- fice assistant good appearance anid per- sonality, real estate experience helpfur, nmoderate saiary te start. Acidreess P. 0. Box Z226, Winnetka~, Illinois, 97LTN40-lte *White girl for germerai heusewerk. 2 adults, I child. $10. References requlred. Wlhnette 4678. CARS XITH In Alppearanceý and Perforiman'ce There Is Little Difference untheffff'Re~ Conic iii and Be Contvinced '37 Cadilac M4od. 75 Fleetwood formai Sed ................. $6. '36 Cadillac 34o& 70 Fleetwood Sed................. .......154e '36 Cadiliac '60' touring sed......50,1 '37 Olds tourlng 5 P. coupe....75 '16 LaSalle tour. 6 P. sedan....... 72S' '36 Bujek Mod. '61' 5 p. sd ...... 650 '35 Cadfliae 5 p. sedan ............5â '36 Packard 120 club sed......... 64S '34 Buick Mod. 91 ci. sedan.....415. M3 Pierce ,Arrow 5 cl.Sp. siedL 255e '3gtiqdebaker 8 conv. coupe . 9&. '36 Packard 120' CI. sedan . 645. '33 Nash .7 pas. sedan........... 36. '35 L aSalie tour. sed. US.....5 'U' Olds 8 tour. 5 p. sedan....... 9 '36 Cadillac Mod. '6 0' coupe 1425 'ie Cadlllac .Mo&.60,-coupe ...... 115& '35 Packard 120 5 p. 'sed.........4P& '3 5 La Salle Cou. -.pe ........... 95- 180Rd!e Ave. Wii. 956, WInn. 167& OPEN SUNDAYS W&Y DenL'Te4o'-t Against Our Complete Stock of Used Cars 100 CARS MUST BE S0L1 THlIS WEEK (7U UKM.OMIN USt VV W()JL b b. .LIaLGU*10 Refined white weman wants cook, houseman, chauffeur or valet; 799 ElmSt take full charge. Neat, young, single.________ Dy W r n evn Very good N. S. Refer. *Gencoe 1421. N. S. References. Wlnnetka 1191.' 95LTN40-ltp 105 FOR SALI 94LTN4-11i>PACKARD CON COLORED WOMAN WANTS LATIN-- Colored Chauffeur -P ER FECCcol dry adcenn ydy 9 heurs$. Best clty references. abie.. Easy term North Shore. referçances. Mr$. W'ade, Atlantic 3844. * smfal car. Phoneo 'Davis 2624.94T4-t LT0lp .147 WRilmette 4414 105L.TN40-tp SON- -1937 Ford Tudor, 10,000 miles. eé for 6 Terma. Private party. 14 Wayland Ave. Keiiworth $425 y