o, Friday it, Morton schoot fur- ig the opposi- Somewhat dis- heartened by a ser-* ies of uvfavorable upsets, o a ch Grater's boys' are determhined to nake real was the' cla-sh with' Massanutten 1{igh; school. of Wood- stock. 'Jr.. at New. Trier natatorium, Saturday evening at 8. ock c k. The Massanut- *ten iteam ,is akn One' of the lorigesti trips, an athletic r n son' that began teani bas. made to auspiciously, bu t î opt gs after ýa s-nsational the grey and green, winning s tr ea k and their team is suddenlv' saw, thel Bob Beu.ett rerported of. quai- Triermen d'roç p - (Lehle) ity making it -a. EaA I lbrr ping a quartet of worthwhile journiey. (Lehie) games successivel.. Beat Highlsai Park Twin Defeat Last Thursday, the locals whipped Ei-anston started the losinïg streak;,.H ighland Park, 45 to 21.ý at the latter's they topped it off pool. The frosh-soph won also, 50 to 16. with a twin trounc- j :At Mlake inghaned oththe vrsi yielded inghaned othto Shorewood by the fresh -soph. and a 44 to 31 score varsit t e à m s in a meet Friday Tuesday of îast 'night. Fred Hen- week.schel, inthe breast- stroke. a nd Jack Should the, Tre- Wiese. in the back-1 vains snatch viestroke c r a cke d tories n the r sWsconin sn t a t e tons i tfe rstrecords. but t h e of their g arm e s. entire team was off their league per- iorm. as th ei r centage would, *times" plainly wind up at .667. showed. It was a better than rnost i rainy niglît, a long Jarwv i nge teams hiave done. ride, and not the sort of pool the Sp rt C ubHodsboys like. Then. Bi Druce Sports Oub Holdstoo. it was the Sec- Lhe Party on Saturday ond nmeet intw days: which might 'Members of the Sports club, boys' hreutalthoueigh d ttbs ee orgniatonatNewTrerToI1seemed' to bother- the teani before. ship High school, held a party last Saturday evening at the school. De-lBotr Forrest ýShowley, faculty sponso .r of o sters rolled a 1-41 for the hight the club, is a memrber of the hyicl gane of the 'night. This was his sec- education 'depatment. ondi 200 game, of tus bowling career. Carl Michelson won the frece throw- Bill Connor's Boosters had the sec- ing and hand bal events. Ed Roths-. ond high single game, of the season, child was first in table tennis with a99ý Paul Speigeihaur, second. Rothschild rn the 'Majors the Ouiîmette coun- was also basketball winner. cil teain took three fromn Columbus. Ra-, Dahm -as high with un rr5a a $UGana -,JOLu4rJft 5flig.nts this week, the curtain will part on the i Ne,,% Trier Dramatic clubs presenta- tion of "The Jade God.' This murder mystery bv William Edwin Barry promises to be one of the high spots of this vear's dramatic season. The play is being presentedby the play.- ers of the Dramatic club The, play, is centered around the murder of Jéh.n Millicent. A number of people. are -suspected of being the urerr but the way in whichth real murderer is finally discovered is. very clever. In fat the whole, play. "The, Jade Gad," promises' ta be sa good that it shudfot be missed by the eticient, andi pleasarit executive Who iexplains op- portunities f 0 r volunteer service With wel fare agencies and who, registers interest- de appli cants at the bureau head- qùartcrs. 518 Davis street, Ev- atn5.toti. on Mon- day :and \Wednes.- anJon e. ~ ~ Toloff Photo ci a y -afternoons It is being directed by 'Iner Co-' Mrs C.M. Grounds frorn2to5pn. buirn. Robert Harper and C. Hierbert "ýVolunteers from the north shore Jones are. in charge of the st age are proving to be among Our rnost settings and Iighting, respectively. dependable and. talented . workers, Mrs. Jane Lighter is in charge of ýthe Mrs. Grounds stutes. "Thev.are al décor.busy people, too-but flot too bus\, The PlaYers is the "inner, group"- to gvetheir time and special train- of the undergraduate drama club. at 1 ing to, much-needed work witli our the school, and includes students ivho local'welfare agencies." hâve tà1een 1eainszrole jrin ther :p 1ay S. CHA IRMVA N s, ani- AsgnedVardTasks Volunteers have been placed in suçch varied #jobs as teaching miusic to children, registering patients, at hospital clinics, driving convalescents, conducting story-t ellînjg groups arnong small children, ty-pi>ng reports, and maniy branches of clerical -%ork. The Central Volunteer bureau, es- tablished a year ago to serve as a clearing bouse for providing volun- teer workers whiere needed by wel- fare agencies, is one of eighteen: siinilar organizations *operating suc- t cessfully .in as rnany different cities lin the United States. Miss Helen Sargent,,board member of the Council of Social Agencies which sponsors the bureau, is chairman of the bureau advisory board, whose niembers in- clude representatives f rom Ieading, social,,and. çivic groups. University Off ers, Course of Lectures on Textiles To pic The moderm housewiie-the kind who knows a. bargain .wlen shie sees it and recogilizes. true value-will ShiniornekServccŽ . 28 2 \Wlm'u"t Theater 27 30 Alte's Nfortuarv......26 31 Schaefer's Tavern.....26 31 Bungalow %-Tavern *.25 ,32 Ace Motor Sales.......25 32 Braun l3ros. Qil...... ... 20 37 E*anstonà Paint and Glass . .18 39 George Scherzer of Bill.Coninor's l ow jack-- w ne presenteci ivythe 'fhresho1d~ Players néxt Friday and Saturday vvilI begin Fridav, Feb- ruarv 11, at the studio, 328 Park avenue, Glencoe. The box office is open from 10 to 12 a.m. and frotu 4 to 6 p.m. iil the arr-a;nciemients. for the kCC7 titre sericsfor Parents tb bc giVé4Î at the National Colleqle of Lhdica~- tion, starting Fcbritarv . I. Si s pro grant cizairînan of the Parent- Teacher comicil ofaithte coi/cgc s Devnopit!ration school. w/tic/i is $Poor.1SI- ing the ,neeti .nys., -u- vai 'L iIUwieegauivu through teaching at Pratt Institute. Brooklyn, N. Y.. and through per- sonal research into the problemns of the industry. A former visiting lecturer at the Univer-sity of Chicago, Miss Weirick is a noted authority in ber field.