he ltepone, elmipany-is àhrays pro. pared for emergencies. No one knows .,............~ ~when N ature will crash down on our plant. Idid thiB in January a year ago when a sleet storm, the worst in yeurs, covered west central Illinois. Treestoppled to the ground, block- ing highways already perilous to travel. Poles ..s! '» ' * *snapped, dragging down wires enca8ed i leet au inch and a haif thick. Telephone . ...... service was interrupted at iuauy points and S.. '...-~ a serious tie-up of sU coxumunlceatosihe 2 When it-becaie, evident that a major service failure impended., a regiment of telephone workers _ bcgan couverging bc hestricken »< ' area from lail parts of Illinois. A fle et of trucks set out from Chicago ~ . *:~ Tools, wire and other materiai were « rushed front the Western Electrie Company's plant at Hawthorne. New poles were started promptly front Louis ville, Kentucky. . . . . . . . . . . SAil ini ail, about 600O miles of '~pole liue were afféeeed. In spite of the magnitude of th~e damage~, the Mioi el Tlephone Comupany *<< is st uptome utscee upon, but the personnel and re. 4,It i8 the prepflration for these etuergeacie8,. sources of the entire Bell System, if* front-the advance planning by muanagemient to» carryiutg out the last detail necessary, and the service of the by every ixdividual in the group, which makes possible the quick restoration Western Electric Company, which of communication when Nature goea on a ramp age. This working together keep8 emergency supplies at strategie of ail unit. of a universal telephone systexu uxakes possible the efficient and points throughout the country. dependable telephone service you know todsy. 1LNU01S' BlL -TIIEPHONE, COMPANy-